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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Tagna

    Oxbow Multi-Vitamin?

    I use them for the chins that don't pee all over them.
  2. Tagna

    Canadian Prime Minister has a chinchilla

    His wife actually emailed me about a friend adopting a chin from me. She wanted to know about safe treats as they want to train Charlie.
  3. Tagna

    Oxbow Multi-Vitamin?

    At the last trade show I was at they had a line of Oxbow supplements coming out and they were full of stuff I wouldn't give a chin.
  4. Tagna

    Safe Exercise Wheel

    Safe wheels are expensive but so worth it. You can look at the chin spin, leo braun style, silver surfer and the flying saucer. You can find some second hand sometimes that might be a bit cheaper.
  5. Tagna

    Hello From Ontario!

    Welcome and yup you will know a few of us here! ;)
  6. Tagna

    critter nation pans

    I take the doors off to get my pans in and out of my FNs and put them in on an angle. Hope that makes sense.
  7. Tagna

    Eye Ulcer

    I guess not many have used this treatment but thought I would update in case someone else ever needs this info. Was at my vets today for the recheck and he sees improvement! So 2 more weeks of the dog blood serum and other meds and then we will see how it is.
  8. Tagna

    Super Pet Discontinues More Items

    I called Super Pet a month ago about the lava landings. They said they were getting a lot of calls about that. They still have lava ledges and hopefully those stay!
  9. Tagna

    Eye Ulcer

    On Christmas Eve a local shelter contacted me and asked if I would take in a chin that had been surrendered on December 14th. When they went into the shelter on Christmas Eve the chin had his eye shut and was seen by the vet who said he has an eye ulcer. So I took him in. He's been on 2...
  10. Tagna

    Safe types of eye ointment?

    I use saline for eye flushes and meds from my vet. Depending on the chin and infection I have been prescribed drops or ointment or both.
  11. Tagna

    Ferrent Nation 142

    You should call Midwest. They don't sell the 142 model anymore but I was told they might have some parts laying around but you have to call. I have spares but I am too far and the shipping would be HIGH! Hopefully you can get them from midwest or else put up a wanted add in the classifieds.
  12. Tagna

    Too much pee.

    I know a few people in the maritimes so I will see what vets they use. There are quite a few out east. You may have to travel but it's worth it to find a chin savvy vet. Off to email some people and see who they use.
  13. Tagna

    Chinchilla - Not eating, drinking, lethargic & bit of teeth grinding - please help!

    I have a chin that Dr Munn amputated the leg on after a break. The chin was surrendered to me after the surgery. That said, I have not dealt with her personally. I know she offered to let my rescue use her clinic as she doesn't have a ton of chin experience and wanted to get more. I am in...
  14. Tagna

    Too much pee.

    What province are you in?
  15. Tagna

    No more lava landings

    I contacted my supplier about getting lava items in and they told me that the Lava Landings are discontinued. I called Super Pet and yes it is true. My chins love the lava line and I liked the 2 pack. Looks like the ledges are still available. Sad day for chinnies!
  16. Tagna

    Christmas Toy Drive for the Canadian Chinchilla Rescue

    (I hope this is in the right spot!) This is the 2nd Annual Toy Drive for the Canadian Chinchilla Rescue Zoey and Lilo's Toybox is holding the 2nd annual Christmas Drive for the Canadian Chinchilla Rescue. Details are on her site: You can purchase even a...
  17. Tagna

    My new girl Pina!

    Annie made that! I had to have one!
  18. Tagna

    My new girl Pina!

    Since today Q is over and Pina moved into the chin room I thought I would take a bunch of pics of her. So here she is! Settling in and being a funny almost 7 month old! Full of energy!
  19. Tagna


    Just monitor for changes in behaviour and make sure he/she is still pooping. Most times chins are fine but just watch for any indication there is a problem.
  20. Tagna

    How much do chinchillas normally chew?

    Most chins just chew the bark off and that is it. I make apple wood up weekly to keep up with demand here. I would guess it must be 2-3 lbs a week but that includes the rescues. I give out lots of sticks daily. They destroy the apple twigs right away. I have lots of other toys that last...