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  1. kimbt622

    need lots of hugs

    So sorry for your loss :( I can't even imagine what you're going through. we're all here for support.
  2. kimbt622

    the many faces of Liv :)

    Thank you Sandy :) My boyfriend just loves Liv, he's his little puffball.
  3. kimbt622

    Hedgehog Bean Bag

    that is seriously too cute! haha i love target:kiss:
  4. kimbt622

    Bessie and Tia!

    yay i love these girls! Tia is doing so great, you're awesome pash :)
  5. kimbt622

    Do chins like tapping?

    yep, chins are very smart. He's probably relating the tapping noise to something else like getting a treat or a scritch. My boys know to come to a kissy noise, even when they're out for playtime they come up and give me a kiss if i do that noise and when they're in the cage and i make that noise...
  6. kimbt622

    the many faces of Liv :)

    They are both handsome! :bliss: hehe. Derek was upset that I put a picture of him in a gross sweatshirt but i just couldn't resist!
  7. kimbt622

    Raven has arrived! An introduction (with pics of course)

    ohh she is so pretty! i would love a dark eb of my own :dance3:
  8. kimbt622

    "Mommy I am tired of play!!!"

    Look at him! He is so stinkin' cute I wanna scoop him up and save him from the terrible playtime ;)
  9. kimbt622

    Diesel and Bentley

    Cindy I'm coming! After we go to disneyland without the party pooper :neener: we'll go visit her chinnies baha. Stace, I want both your fatties! They make such a pretty pair, my house needs some white chinnies :thumbsup:
  10. kimbt622

    the many faces of Liv :)

    He's actually a boy :) hahah don't worry, we were originally told he was a girl so he was Olivia but when we found out we just changed it to poor boy has an identity crisis :( haha!
  11. kimbt622

    Let me out!!!

    hahaha oh Jimmy, he really is a Prince Tab... why would you question his authority?!
  12. kimbt622

    the many faces of Liv :)

    "meh, who's there?!" "i'm just gonna try to sleep..." "maybe if i turn away she'll leave..." "well this is kinda comfy." "where are we off to daddy?!" (don't worry he didn't stay in there long, i was too worried he'd get hot)
  13. kimbt622

    NY/NE show info??

    Okay, it all sounds good to me! I'll probably try to be there as early as I can
  14. kimbt622

    NY/NE show info??

    Thank you Tiff! :) For those of us who are just attending to watch and learn, what's a good time to show up?
  15. kimbt622

    NY/NE show info??

    justine, if you go to and go to show info --> show information there's a bunch of links to click to find out what you need to do if you're going to show a chinnie. :)
  16. kimbt622

    Is this... chinnie heaven?

    I already called dibs on the mosaic in chat! :neener: bahah I love this, I'm going allow you to adopt me as your niece so I can sit in there and have all those adorable chinnies around me.
  17. kimbt622

    It's All Shelly's Fault

    Oh cindy you're such a sucker, and Shelly knows it :neener: She'd be better off here!
  18. kimbt622


    I second that notion ;) You'd sure get some chunkers out of that match. By the way, Buford is Be-you-tiful :)
  19. kimbt622

    I am in Az

    Oh my Tara! That is scary! Thank god he didn't actually step on it!:wacko:
  20. kimbt622

    hey everyone!

    Welcome Angela :) Love your girlie! My boys were eyeing her up ;)