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  1. kimbt622


    I agree with what's already been said. But I do have to say, I know how you feel. I'm the youngest of three girls. My oldest sister is a recovering heroine addict who's never done anything too terrific in her 27 years of life. My middle sister is the golden child, she's 23 years old and...
  2. kimbt622

    Z25 is here!

    yayy another baby at Tab's! I third the baby boom comment from my sisters :D
  3. kimbt622

    Diesel needs a beer...

    hahahah that is too funny! I love Britt's addition :D and I also love the lump that is Bentley! bahaahahha
  4. kimbt622

    Good bye my Sedona

    I'm so sorry Sierra, I know how much you loved her. Hang in there <3
  5. kimbt622

    Chin dust and fuzz build up?

    I agree with Dawn, I have to clean up the surfaces atleast once a week. I usually let atleast a couple of my boys dust outside of their cage during playtime and the dust gets everywhere! If i leave it for more than a week, everything is caked in dust. As for fur, its not that bad here. I find a...
  6. kimbt622

    Rounded up the victims

    bahaah look at that stink eye from Guido! and I loveee the little tuxedo outfit on Beezy hahahah too funny.
  7. kimbt622

    Bessie is an acrobat - er, acrochin!

    bahaha I love Bessie! How did she even figure out how to do that? hahah thar is too funny. What a chunky girl
  8. kimbt622

    Margaret and bubs...

    Ah Susan they are so precious! They look like such sweethearts, I wanna scoop them up and take them home :D
  9. kimbt622

    My cutest baby pictures

    Oh my goodness, they are precious! I wanna just scoop them up and cuddle them in my arms :D
  10. kimbt622

    What Does Your Chin Look Like When It Eats?

    I know what you mean. I don't think it's anything to worry about. Alot of my boys just will roll out of "bed" (their house or wherever they're sleeping) during the day and go to their bowl. I think if they get hungry, they just make their way over there. They don't really bother trying to wake...
  11. kimbt622

    Chin education tricks

    I agree with the treats comment. My oldest has obviously been here the longest and is probably the fattest :wacko: so if he hears a simple movement of a treat box, he comes running and begging. Now my middle is probably the smartest and can figure out almost anything, but he's also the most...
  12. kimbt622

    Shelly told me I had to post new pics.

    yayy new pics of Shell! That second picture is my fav hahaha but she loves you so much she wants to come to the gym! And i love the holding hands picture! look at her little paw! <3333
  13. kimbt622

    my funny boys!

    I got a few cute pictures last night and had to post them. Here's Kirb in his new favorite position. He likes to grab a pellet and run up there and eat it. Lots of poops come out. Hes a crazy white, that's for sure! And Here's my Harley being a parrot :) He likes to sit on my arm and try to...
  14. kimbt622

    Waldo the Baldo (for Tab)

    He is such a big ball of fluff! haha i loveeee him.
  15. kimbt622

    Spooky --> Waldo

    yayayy i love Waldo! hahah there's a halloween idea, Anna.. be Waldo!
  16. kimbt622

    the violet bros have arrived!

    a few more :) the boys cuddling :) Ace modeling!
  17. kimbt622


    Anna that is so so so so cute! Are you going to be selling them? because I will absolutely buy a set!
  18. kimbt622

    What's your favorite chin mutation?

    I had a hard time deciding, but ended up choosing violet. I love their nice crisp bellies and the soft plush fur!
  19. kimbt622

    the violet bros have arrived!

    haha i'll work on it! he's silly he likes to just plop on top of whatever is in his path :)
  20. kimbt622

    the violet bros have arrived!

    hahah you freak! okay, i updated everything! better? :D bahahaha he looks so cute with the hat and moustache! we need to save that picture! i love the mushroom-head thing you added as well. nice touch.