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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Sandi

    Took his wheel away...

    No, you must prepare the wood first. Make sure your tree has never been sprayed with any pesticides first. Link that will tell you how to prepared the wood for your chin...
  2. Sandi

    Severe distressed chin due to a dog

    Exactly what Cat said... Did the dog injure your chin? You will have to hand feed your chin if he stops eating.
  3. Sandi

    Just got my Ferret Nation Double unit yesterday and...

    Congratulations on a great cage! :)) You should take a look at this thread for ideas: TONS of FN cage pics in there for sure.
  4. Sandi

    Best hay racks?

    9 times out out of 10 all of my hay holders ended up being just another spot for my chins to sit on and poop into. It was more work trying in to get the poop out of it with a vacuum. I now place a handful of hay on top of a shelf/ledge/house, wherever there is a clean, poop free spot and they...
  5. Sandi


    I meant to add but my edit time ran out that I'm considering a Frigidaire FAD704DUD.
  6. Sandi


    I only use a dehumidifier in the summer. Year round our basement temps range between 65-69 degrees. In the summer the humidity can get as high as 55-60%. Three years ago I bought a SoleusAir SG-DEH-70-2 dehumidifier and I have absolutely no complaints about this unit, it worked perfectly for our...
  7. Sandi

    new chin mom w hair ring ?

    Here is a link to ticklechin's video on how to do a hair ring check...
  8. Sandi

    Soon to be new mom to Chinchillas

    Congratulations on your soon to be new chins. I would also free feed and give them fresh pellets, hay and filtered or reverse osmosis water daily. Some chins can get stressed out to new environments so I would let them get acclimated first before giving them treats. I would also limit treats to...
  9. Sandi

    Hello from NJ :)

    Welcome to the forum. You're girls are lovely :)
  10. Sandi

    Greetings from WI

    :wave3: welcome to CnH!
  11. Sandi

    Oxbow, Mazuri, Manna Pro Ect

    I used to feed Oxbow and was able to get a 50 lb. bag for $39 plus shipping directly from Oxbow but then they decided to cut out the little guys. My chins were doing ok with it but it was hard for me to get a 50 lb. bag locally. For the last 2.5 years my boys have been on Tradition chinchilla...
  12. Sandi

    TRADITION Chinchilla Pellets

    Sorry for the late response. Sending you a pm now.
  13. Sandi

    Hello from Wisconsin

    Welcome to the forum!
  14. Sandi

    Hey Hi Hello from MO!

    Welcome to the forum! He is a cutie for sure!
  15. Sandi

    Ferret Nation 142 wood shelves

    This thread will give you tons of ideas of how to set up your FN...
  16. Sandi

    Protection for walls near cage?

    I also attach a sheet/layer of fleece behind their cages with binder rings.
  17. Sandi

    Vet in Northwest Suburbs of Chicago?

    Some good vets mentioned in this thread...
  18. Sandi

    chins and rabbits

    Rabbits carry pasteurella. I would not let the chins out for playtime in the same room that a rabbit has been in previously. If you do a search for "pasteurella" tons of threads will pop up.
  19. Sandi

    TRADITION Chinchilla Pellets

    Recieved new bags... and will be able to ship starting tomorrow
  20. Sandi

    I don't get it.

    When I first started out with chins, about 10 years ago, there wasn't much info on them in books nor the internet, at least the places I was looking at. When I finally found chins-n-quills, it was already too late with one of my chins as he had already been diagnosed with malo. I don't get the...