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  1. sheena lee

    Bitten Toe :(

    I've had the girls out together 3 separate times, and all that happened was chasing and some fur slipping, and then the most recent time Chia sprayed Abby. Then summer came and it was too hot for playtime... I was thinking about starting again with playtime but also wanted them to have some...
  2. sheena lee

    Bitten Toe :(

    Thanks guys! That makes me feel a lot better. So far I've just been cleaning the cage really well and often. Abby's toe is doing well, still a bit red but I can't tell where the actual bite is. I think it's really tiny. Should I still give her dust baths, or should I wait a few days? Also...
  3. sheena lee

    Bitten Toe :(

    Would bag balm help at all? In the case that I can't get any Blu-Kote around here... Quebec in general has limited access to these type of things, and I don't have anything to clean the wound with other than water...
  4. sheena lee

    Bitten Toe :(

    It didn't occur to me until now but it's thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. Will she be okay without Blu-Kote until Tuesday?? :/
  5. sheena lee

    Bitten Toe :(

    There's no such thing as fleet farm in Quebec... And I'm not sure how popular horse supply stores are in the city. There are some out where my parents live but I wouldn't be able to get it today. I read something about it not being approved in Canada, but I did find this...
  6. sheena lee

    Bitten Toe :(

    This evening I took out the block of wood from the cage and the chins seemed to ignore each other, so I left it out for a few hours... and when I came back into the room, I noticed poor Abby had gotten her toe bitten :( She doesn't seem to be in any pain or anything, and the blood has dried up...
  7. sheena lee

    Do you prefer sweet or smart chins?

    I also have one of each. While I think Abby is still pretty smart, she's nowhere near the intelligence of Chia. I always say that Chia is not happy being a chinchilla, that she thinks there's something better out there to be, while Abby is perfectly content just being who she is. I love them...
  8. sheena lee

    Interaction: Aggressive or Normal?

    Thanks Christiane, I was just about to send you the video by email for your opinion. :)) I think you're right about putting Chia on the bottom, I didn't want to originally because she's a little bugger and pushes/bites sometimes when she wants out. I'll try it and see how it goes!
  9. sheena lee

    Interaction: Aggressive or Normal?

    It might be hard to tell from one video, but here's a vid of my chins interacting through the hole in the CN. I have the ramp and 2 layers of wire mesh, so they can't hurt each other in any way. Normally there's a block of wood blocking them off.
  10. sheena lee

    Bass pans fit CN?

    They should fit. I used the bass pan measurements to tile my CN without issues.
  11. sheena lee

    Critter Nation for Introductions?

    So far their interactions have been pretty anticlimactic, which is good! They sniff each other and then Chia tries to "dig" her way through the mesh to get at Abby, but no kacking or other aggressive sounds or behavior! Chia is really really a pest. She's sooo desperate to pull up the mesh, I...
  12. sheena lee

    Eating lots of pellet and not much hay?

    I don't think it's bad, as long as they have access to hay. If you're refreshing it twice a day, then they're probably eating a good amount of it even if most ends up on the floor!
  13. sheena lee

    Critter Nation for Introductions?

    Yeah, in the end I decided to put some, just to be sure. I'm going to monitor them tonight, and then put the wood back in overnight probably. Chia is trying desperately to pull up the metal (naturally, she can't leave anything in her cage alone) I don't think she can but I don't want to take...
  14. sheena lee

    Critter Nation for Introductions?

    I've had both my chins for a good while now, and I did start the intro process back in May, but stopped when it got too hot and Chia seemed to be a little too pushy with Abby (no biting, but chasing and spraying.) Now they share a CN cage, without access to each other. I covered the hole with...
  15. sheena lee

    Cage suggestions?

    I have a CN and I love it. The doors open wide, so it's amazing for cleaning. I replaced the plastic with wood shelves and a tiled floor. Costs some extra money but worth the investment.
  16. sheena lee

    Question about working for hotels

    Yep. Luckily I wasn't the one cleaning it up, I reported it to the hotel owners and they dealt with it. The room was a disaster, I think they had someone come in and clean it up. I've also had red wine spilled everywhere, which the vacationers had tried to clean up with the white towels... and...
  17. sheena lee

    Question about working for hotels

    I used to work as a chambermaid and I actually really enjoyed it. I worked full time and it was basically like getting a 30hr workout. I did have to deal with some ickies* and once I accidentally walked in on a guy who was busy. Other than that I really enjoyed it! I was super fit that...
  18. sheena lee

    Weird Sounds?

    My chins aren't bonded, so it's not one chin bothering the other.. I think maybe Abby does it in her sleep... having annoying dreams perhaps?
  19. sheena lee

    Cosmetic Braces?

    Orthodontists usually don't want to do something half-way. The cost of my actual braces is $7000 I think, and after my ortho said I might need jaw surgery (which I don't know if I'll go for... we'll see.) My teeth aren't bad, and I am a fairly uncomplicated case, but I have an overbite which...
  20. sheena lee

    Cosmetic Braces?

    I'm in the process of getting braces (they go on in a month). I was given the option of Invisalign but I decided against it because it seemed like it would take a whole lot of commitment, is more expensive, and it also seemed like it would be very painful to pull on and off. My braces and dental...