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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. sheena lee

    Wanted: chin pictures on relatively solid backgrounds!

    Hey guys! I'm looking for decent-resolution photos of chinchillas on relatively solid backgrounds. The pics will be used for Design project, a fictitious company called RodentWear, that advocates wearing live fur ("a new, humane way to wear fur"). It's supposed to be a satire and humorous...
  2. sheena lee

    Baby Pictures!

    LOVE THE NAMES!! EEEE! *Bones fan*
  3. sheena lee

    Err! People!

    I had a similar situation with someone on Kijiji when I was selling a cell phone. The person agreed, and wanted to come that day. It was like a Tuesday or Monday if I remember, and I said that he could come before 6pm. I thought that was fair for a weeknight. At 6:15 he texted and asked if...
  4. sheena lee

    Maddie vs. Mom

    Baha that was toooo good!
  5. sheena lee

    Petshop Chin in Montreal, QC

    There's a petshop near my house where I sometimes stop by to check out the fishies and other cute pets they have. For a good while there's been a chinchilla there. The first time I saw him (I'm not sure if it's a him, but he kinda looks like a boy.. lol) they said he was 2 months old. I'm not...
  6. sheena lee

    My girls! (pics)

    I'm very jealous of your organized area with the boxes... May have to do that myself!! Your chins are suuuper cute too! :))
  7. sheena lee

    Litter pans?

    When I had fleece, Chia would pee a bit everywhere too. Once I changed from fleece to tile, I didn't have a litter pan for a day and she peed in her log tube so it wouldn't get on her paws :( I felt so guilty, but I really assumed she'd pee a little everywhere like she did with the fleece. Had...
  8. sheena lee

    Litter pans?

    Litter with fleece can be an issue, cause the chips will tend to get stuck to the fleece and it becomes a real hassle. I have a tiled cage and a litter pan, and I think I'm pretty lucky cause Chia won't pee anywhere where it's not absorbant, so no matter where the pan is, she'll pee only in...
  9. sheena lee

    Temperature Regulation: Springtime Heatwaves

    I really love to have the window open when it gets to be around this temperature, so it's heartbreaking when I need to put the A/C in early. I actually hate the feel/smell of air conditioned air, even though I can't sleep without it in the summer. Luckily with the portable unit, I can still...
  10. sheena lee

    A Few Things for Abby

    Thanks guys! There will be tons and tons of pictures, trust me! :))
  11. sheena lee

    Toys your chin just won't touch

    Chia doesn't have much interest in Mulberry wood, but I think it's only because she's come to expect apple, and is disappointed (the same is true for shreddies versus any other treat.) If I leave the mulberry in the cage for a while, she'll eventually eat it. She also loves anything she can...
  12. sheena lee

    A Few Things for Abby

    I've started slowly collecting items for when my new chinchilla, Abby, arrives! She's joining our family mid-April, and I'm really excited! I'm getting her from Saphire Chinchillas :)) Here's what I've got for her so far! I just picked up the pink bowl this evening. As usual, fleece items...
  13. sheena lee

    Temperature Regulation: Springtime Heatwaves

    I wish we could! I have to put the heat on in the winter here in Montreal, when it gets to be -20 to -30, even Chia would freeze!
  14. sheena lee

    Temperature Regulation: Springtime Heatwaves

    In the end I installed the portable A/C just now. When I got home from work I was really not happy with the temperature in the bedroom. Chia seemed okay though, just a little tired. Now I feel much less worried!
  15. sheena lee

    Temperature Regulation: Springtime Heatwaves

    It's not that the A/C can't be turned off, the real problem arises when there's still a possibility of snow. At this time of year in Montreal, we normally still have a few feet of snow - weather like this is really really uncommon. Any below 0C weather will damage the unit... As of right now...
  16. sheena lee

    Temperature Regulation: Springtime Heatwaves

    Living in Montreal around this time of year means some really warm days, and some really chilly days. This week has been around 20-25 degrees (68-77 f - thanks Google!), and so far, keeping the window open in our bedroom has kept the room cool enough for Chia (a little chilly at night but we've...
  17. sheena lee

    New Chia Photos!

    Thanks guys!! She's so fun to take photos of, I'm starting to fill up my hard drive...
  18. sheena lee

    Getting good pics of chins? (Hopefully image heavy :))

    Bright natural light is always best, as is a camera where you can adjust the settings to get a faster shutter speed. Often in natural light, the Automatic setting will do just fine. A camera with a fast auto-focus is important too! The iPhone for example is really slow, and I often get blurry...
  19. sheena lee

    New Chia Photos!

    Some new pics I've taken of Chia recently. She's my favorite photography subject. Grumpy chin doesn't like being woken up. For more pictures:! I'm always posting new things there.
  20. sheena lee

    How do you know when you have enough chins?

    I have Chia, and always sort of planned to get a 2nd but I knew with school, work and A LOT of extracurriculars, I couldn't do it. I have a second chin on the way, she's coming a few days after my absolute, final university class! Yay BFA. So at that point I'll only have work and will be able...