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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. CrissysChins

    i got new pics of my girls

    Ahhhh...the girls are so cute! Snuggle time!
  2. a little of everything 165

    a little of everything 165

  3. a little of everything 212

    a little of everything 212

  4. My Chinnie Babies!!

    My Chinnie Babies!!

  5. CrissysChins

    Hello ..

    Hello and Welcome!
  6. CrissysChins

    Chin cookies

    Thank you everyone! If its not good for my babies I will not be making it!
  7. CrissysChins

    Chin cookies

    I saw a thread on here to make Chin cookies. The receipe called for Animax and Rose Hips. Were can I find theses 2 products? Thanks
  8. CrissysChins

    Got my results!!!!

    What GREAT news! Im so HAPPY for you!!!
  9. CrissysChins

    Kaytee dust bath?

    Kaytee is the worst dust out there! When I bought my first chin at the Pet store they told me to use Kaytee and it was the best. I talked to a local breeder who recomended Blue Cloud. What a difference in my Chins. I would never buy anything other! My babies look beautifull!! Try it!
  10. CrissysChins

    Saying hello!

    Hello and Welcome!
  11. CrissysChins

    Hello everyone...

    Hello and Welcome!
  12. CrissysChins

    Hello .. New chin parents here :)

    Welcome! I love the name Fonzie...really cute!
  13. CrissysChins

    MCBA Atlantic Chapter 2011 Show, York PA

    I believe I finally came up with a raffle basket! I did one yrs ago for Great Strides walk. It went over very well. I think all the tickets went into my can.
  14. CrissysChins

    A5! Baby Boom!

    Congrats!!! So cute! I just wanna snuggle with her!
  15. CrissysChins


    Hello and Welcome! I third on the pics!!
  16. CrissysChins

    Hello! :)

    Hello & Welcome! Your two little boys are sweet!
  17. CrissysChins

    York/Dover Carpool

    I was just wondering if anyone was going through the Albany district that would like to Carpool to the York/Dover show. I have no problem splitting gas, toll money! This is my first time going to a show and im so excited and ready to learn!!
  18. CrissysChins

    9 week old kit with uri

    I cant answer any of your questions but I hope the little one gets better! I will say a prayer!!
  19. CrissysChins

    Chin treats

    Dont feel bad! It has taken me a weeks to figure out everything! Now if I could only figure out how to post pictures I would be in great shape!