What time is everybody getting in? I have to open at the shop for a bit. My helper has a meeting in the morning and can't open at 10, so I'll be there until he can get there. I might not be in until 6 or 7pm at that rate.
Becky - I can sponsor a trophy, if you still need sponsors, too. Sorry I missed that.
I may have a few chins for sale, obviously not in the show. Will you have a spot for some not in the show?
Same boat as JAGS here - I have no problem at all with it being rotated to different areas. I just can't make all of them due to time and money constraints at this time. I'm not mad, just disappointed I can't show at Nationals this year as I am judging for MCBA Nationals a couple weeks later...
No carpooling for us either. Wendy already said she can't get off work Fri and Mon and Hubbs wouldn't let me drive the 12 hours to OK City a few years ago, he'll never let me drive 15 to Denver. :(
I've had trouble getting people to cover the shop for me, too, so have to plan my days pretty...
Thanks for the pictures, Juanita! (Except of the ones of me, of course. ;))
If anyone had more pictures to share, please post! I think I have a few, too. I'll try to get them up today.
If anyone would like to share their pictures with me to post on the MCBA Facebook page, please email them...
Sorry I couldn't get these up last night. I don't have internet service at home anymore and was NOT typing them all on my phone... lol
Grand Show - Juanita Hendryx - standard female
Reserve Grand Show - Jim Ritterspach - violet female
Champ female - Hendryx - standard
Reserve female -...
Not much time left til the show!!! :D
Trying to get a head count for lunch so I have enough food for all you. If you haven't posted already that you are coming, please do, or message me - [email protected]
Yes, Bobbie, we will have a separate area for silent auction chins that are not being shown.
Sandi! We will miss you!! :( But wish your daughter and her band the best of luck in the competition!!