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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Here are a couple of 'paintings' my chins did for the raffle. An old male - Gulliver - did one, and 'Runt' the smallest in a litter of triplets did the other. Water-based, non-toxic paints were used and the chins were cleaned up well afterward. We got the idea from the zoo I have worked at for...
  2. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Thanks, Juanita! That is much appreciated! I've heard from about 13 breeders so far and several that are just coming up to watch. It sounds like it should be a great show. I am barely prepared myself, but getting excited to see everyone again, and their beautiful chins!
  3. B

    NY/NE Chapter Show info.

    Good luck this weekend, everyone!! :D
  4. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    The show's getting closer! Are you ready?? Who's all coming? We are looking for side dishes and desserts for our pot-luck lunch. The chapter will provide a main dish - I think BBQ this year - plates, buns, napkins, utensils, breakfast snacks. If you would like to participate, please let me...
  5. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Last call for trophy sponsors. I plan on ordering trophies this week. I have Standard and Beige breeder awards left.
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    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Wow - I guess it's been awhile since we've seen you! lol Congrats on getting married and the baby! Wow! I'm getting old.. I remember when... ;) Busy, busy, busy here... A barn full of chins still. Opened my own gift shop about 5 years ago and trying to keep it open through the stinky...
  7. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Tasha! How the heck are you?!?! We'd love to see you again! :D
  8. B

    Possible Empress Seminar

    It's a possibility.
  9. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    We've had great response from our membership on trophy sponsorship and currently have the following trophies still available: Res Champ male Res Champ female Standard Breeder Beige Breeder Ebony Breeder Any junior members (under 18) out there that are coming and showing? We haven't had a...
  10. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    If anyone is interested in sponsoring a trophy or having an ad in the show book, please let me know asap. We will be working on putting together the show book soon and I would like to get trophies ordered in a couple of weeks. Right now, all trophies are available. Message me if you have...
  11. B

    ECBC Annual Meeting, Who's going?

    I sure want to. I love the seminar topics. But Brent is always gone that week to a trade show and the folks I used to have help me out with the shop and chores at home are no longer reliable, so it's not looking like I will make it. :(
  12. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    We miss you, Sandi!!
  13. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Yes, on Friday night. We have the hall Friday night, but not Saturday night. If you need housing Sat night, I will help figure something out. I could possibly keep them in my barn.
  14. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Sorry about the change in weekends. The hall gave our day to someone else last year and Brent booked this year for the second Sat at the last show. The fella that's in charge now is a lot harder to work with than the last one.
  15. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Here are details for the October show. If you would like to advertise in the show book, please let us know soon. I'll check with Brent about a deadline,as he puts together the show book, but I know he has a business trip planned in Sep, so the sooner the better. And, please let me know if you...
  16. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    UPDATE! Our judge has been picked! Gene Adcock will be coming out from California to judge our fall show this year! :D
  17. B

    Atlantic Chapter Show 2013

    I will choose my words more carefully. ;)
  18. B

    Atlantic Chapter Show 2013

    I'm finally settled back into my routine and have computer access. Congrats on a great show! I had a wonderful time judging with Mish! She's going to make a great judge! :D Lots of nice animals and it is always so great to see everyone. I miss you all already!
  19. B

    2013 WI MCBA Regional Show

    Save Oct 12, 2013 for the WI MCBA Regional show! Barneveld Legion Hall Barneveld, WI Judge TBA More details to follow! :D