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  1. IMG 0820

    IMG 0820

  2. IMG 0822

    IMG 0822

  3. Christmas 2011

    Christmas 2011

  4. Silverrose

    dissapointing trip to the vets...

    It sounds like you are describing some sort of seizure. I only have experience dealing with a chin with hypoglycemic seizures, but from your descriptions this does not seem like the reason your chin is having them. So I would think something neurological is going on. How old is the chin?
  5. Silverrose

    Happy Birthday Jer!!!!!

    Happy birthday Jer! :HBballoons3:
  6. Silverrose

    I picked Tabitha's Pocket...

    You lucky duck! Pocket is such a sweetie and cutiepie! Congrats! Fair warning tho, you will probably need an extra supply of hay and wood... Tabitha tends to breed beavercow chins... :neener:
  7. Silverrose

    Attaching fleece to walls. Suggestions?

    Since it's just the bottom that seems to be the problem, how about just putting a brick or book, or something heavy (and chinchewsafe) to hold it against the wall. Was just a random thought...
  8. Silverrose

    What did your Secret Santa get you?

    I don't quite know who my SS is yet, but I do know where they ordered their stuff from. It's from Carise at ForCHINate Chins (Chincessories). She has a few different sticky pad designs. (Yes SS, I am stalking youuuuuu)
  9. Silverrose

    Tried to get Christmas pictures=not so happy chins!

    LMAO! Omg look at those epic stinkeyes! Bad mum with that flashythingy! Nice try tho... :laughitup:
  10. Silverrose

    FANTASTIC Milestone!

    Hooray! I'm glad I helped too! Can't wait to get mine!
  11. Silverrose

    How many twigs per night?

    Yeah... I have no willpower when it comes to giving twigs/sticks. I have an entire organizer drawer just full of different kinds. When I walk by the cage, it isn't uncommon for me to just dish out a handful at a time. And one of my boys is a stick stealer, so I have to give extra to the...
  12. Silverrose


    Ah Shelly...always looking fat and delicious as always... :hearts:
  13. Silverrose

    Switched my boys over to fleece tonight.

    Omigosh...where did you get that spider fleece?! I MUST have it! =O Nice job btw. You are going to love fleece. It's a lot cleaner and easier to deal with than shavings imo. And plus its another excuse to decorate! With 3 chins, I spot clean/vacuum up stuff on the fleece every day (usually...
  14. Silverrose

    Introducing Button and Artemis

    Always good to see new pics of the girls <3 Heeeyyy I just realized... you have 3 girl chins... I have 3 boy chins.... /winkwink lol! Artie and Amadeus will make a cute huffy couple! :neener:
  15. Silverrose

    What did your Secret Santa get you?

    Yay so many chewy goodies for my boys! And also a little something for me too! A pad of sticky notes with a chin in the background, super cute! Thanks SS!
  16. Silverrose

    What did your Secret Santa get you?

    I finally received my SS package today! Hooray! I will open it and get some pics when I get home tomorrow morning, as I'm on way out for work. I do hope its not fragile though... I keep shaking it around lol...
  17. Silverrose

    L.A area wind storms!

    I lived right smack dab in the middle of the power outage, San Gabriel. There was nowhere for us to go since everything around us had no power! We had no power for a day and a half. It was very freaky coming home the night before from work to a completely dark city. Even now there are still...
  18. Silverrose

    Once Upon a Time

    I really like this show too (and Grimm!) I know I'm not supposed to root for the evil queen, but how cool is it for the actress to put on that costume for the fairy tale side of the story. I guess all the fairy tale wardrobe and settings just make me oooh and aahhh. I can't help but be a...
  19. Silverrose


    Strangely enough, I watch it for the music. True, it's not always great, sometimes it's incredibly cheesy and in bad taste. But I still appreciate a creative attempt at music, and am a sucker for showtunes. And yeah, I feel like a cougar that I have this incredible crush on Darren Criss ; ...
  20. Silverrose

    Guess your Secret Santa 2011

    Clearly I have too much time on my hands lol. And I love a good puzzle!