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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Kalandra

    Ceramic Heat Emitter?

    Now... aren't there some thermostats that will control 2 bulbs at once? I thought someone mentioned to me once that there was. It may be something to look into. Another way of thinking about the costs....The cost of a proper heating setup is far cheaper than the cost of a veterinary visit...
  2. Kalandra

    Is he sick or not sick, that is the question

    Revolution is the drug of choice for mites. The drinking/sneezing sounds like it is probably normal. I have a hedgehog at the moment who dips her nose a wee bit too far in her water sometimes and she sneezes afterwards. She mostly does it if there is something distracting her (like I'm in the...
  3. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Oh Texie honey, feel better soon.
  4. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Tex, I just tell mine "No no no no no no!" and flail about when she tries to do things I don't want her to do to me. I haven't had to have any of this medicine stuff yet. But I flail a lot when she tries to steal my toenails. She usually steals them anyway, but I at least make her work for...
  5. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Oh Tex was that your mom yelling for joy that I heard this morning? Now keep it up! I guess it just took a little longer for the medicine to make him feel well enough to run again... or maybe he was just trying to worry you and realized that the vet threat was serious business?
  6. Kalandra

    Heating and food question.

    What a cutie pie. I bet you are super excited. Here are my answers to your questions... #2 is kinda lengthy, but diet is a very important topic, I hope I don't scare you off... 1. If the temperature never falls below 73, you should be fine. If there is any possibility that it will dip...
  7. Kalandra

    Meet Flower!

    Congratulations on the new hedgehog. She looks like she is a pretty social little girl already. If you run into questions regarding pregnancy that you cannot find answers to, please don't hesitate to ask. Poor girl, at least she has a better home now to have her babies.
  8. Kalandra

    Saying Goodbye -- How Do I Know When It's The Right Time?

    Nothing wrong with that. Completely comfortable and happy hedgehogs are wonderful, and make excellent patients. I get that, I want to see them curled up thing, from new people too. I try to explain to them that curling up is part of their defensive side and my hedgehogs have nothing to be...
  9. Kalandra

    Male Anal Mucus.. HELP!

    My word. Its stories like these that make me happy I have hedgehogs and don't have to deal with heat cycles. I would be a nervous wreck all the time if they did something like this!
  10. Kalandra

    Possibly pregnant chin?

    Don't forget to read the hand rearing thread in case you need to do any swapping of kits. Poor gal. Rehomed so many times, while late in her pregnancy.
  11. Kalandra

    Saying Goodbye -- How Do I Know When It's The Right Time?

    Well who wouldn't enjoy breakfast in bed. And that is such a relaxed position too.
  12. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Oh Tex. I should have known that my idea wasn't going to get by you. You are too wise and are onto our plans. You need to be a bit more of a cooperative patient honey, else mommie will take you back to the doctor to have him look at you. I'm starting to think you like all the ooohing and...
  13. Kalandra

    Male Anal Mucus.. HELP!

    Mis-informed panic attacks are completely allowed. We would rather you find out your boy is a girl and for there to be no real problem than to see you struggle with a real problem right off the bat! Welcome to the forum... now we need images!
  14. Kalandra

    Brand new little guy and I'm stumped!

    If you just got him, he is most likely acting defensive because he is in a new home. You just took him from everything that he knew and put him in a new place where everything is unknown. It is common for a hedgehog to be more defensive for a while. Be patient and continue to handle him and...
  15. Kalandra

    So worried... Tell my mom no. aka: Meet Ollie

    Mom says I should give an update, I would rather just sleep right now. Mom talked to me last night about Ollie. She says in about a week and a half he gets to move into our room. She asked if it would be ok if he lives in the lower condo of my ferret nation. I told her I guess, but he better...
  16. Kalandra


    Oh mom doesn't leave the tea bag in my cage, she puts it under my snuggle bag or at the opening of my snuggle bag while I'm out laying on her chest. She has tried to hang one on the top of my cage, but I live in a ferret nation, and the top of my cage is very tall so I cannot smell it as well...
  17. Kalandra

    dishrag hog - Tex is sick... again

    Now Tex. I told you no more getting sick. I know you like mommie's extra attention, but it worries her so when you don't feel well.
  18. Kalandra

    Saying Goodbye -- How Do I Know When It's The Right Time?

    Courney she looks great. Her mouth does have a bit of a stretched out look to her lip, but gosh she looks just amazing.
  19. Kalandra

    vacation without the little one

    You may get the hedgie cold shoulder. Extra cuddles, peace offerings and a return to the normal schedule can go a long way to saying you are sorry. If you can, take the cage that he lives in normally. Keeping as much as possible that smells like home can be helpful.