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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. javachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    Standards: 74 Entries Class 1: CC Dark Star RCC Diamond Blue Class 2: CC Dark Star RCC Casey Craner Class 3: CC Nan RCC Dark Star Class 4: CC XTC RCC Jerry Craner Class 5: CC Nan RCC Jerry Craner Class 6: CC Diamond Blue RCC Casey Craner Class 7: CC Jerry Craner RCC Dark Star Grand...
  2. javachin

    Hay Help

    Sounds like they don't like that particular hay. I buy my hay from Kleenmama and my chins devour it.
  3. javachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    Safe travels to everyone and see you all tomorrow!
  4. javachin


    All that is fine to use. Some people even tile the bottom of their cages and use litter boxes.
  5. javachin

    Chinchilla bit her toes off!

    I agree with the possible nerve damage. She'll continue chewing on them until you have the vet do an amputation. Chins still live good lives if they become a tripod, you just have to catch it early. There are a few people on the boards who have amputees and I'm sure they can give you more advice.
  6. javachin

    Western Ohio ECBC Show

    Grats to all! The pictures you've posted so far are great. Thanks!
  7. javachin

    Which Wheel?

    My favorite is the flying saucer from Meadowbrook Chins. Its well worth the money.
  8. javachin

    Can anyone answer my question about fleece?

    Agreed with the above post. Fleece can be easier in terms of cleanliness, but chins will still toss their poop out of their cages no matter what bedding you use. Wash the liners once a week at minimum with regular detergent and 1 cup of white vinegar to remove any urine odor if necessary.
  9. javachin


    Fleece is the only safe fabric for chins since it doesn't fray. I would think the same for guinea pigs assuming there's a potential they'll chew it.
  10. javachin

    need help with food!

    5 lbs. for one chinchilla lasts a couple months. Check out the classified ads down below; a lot of people sell food by the pound and home made toys, fleece items, etc.
  11. javachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    One week away! If anyone wants to donate any last minute things or toss in an ad, let me know! See you all soon.
  12. javachin

    Chin Toys

    I have plenty, just PM me with whatever you'd like.
  13. javachin

    Are Healthy Bits safe?

    A rule of thumb; Kaytee = no no. Everything they make is terrible for chins in my opinion and that product is not safe for chins.
  14. javachin

    new chin owner advice

    You can pull out the mats gently and just keep dusting. I would switch the guinea pig feed as well to something else like Oxbow or Mazuri, or a rabbit pellet.
  15. javachin

    Ear Tag?!? [PIC] Finally took the time to read it

    The only CLC brand I could find was an MCBA breeder, Chenlouchins. I've never heard of them personally, but maybe someone else has more information. Ear tags don't really mean much in terms of DOB, parentage, etc. and not all breeders document what ear tags go on what animal. If anything, its...
  16. javachin

    New Chinchilla Kit nibbling/biting

    Its possible that she thinks your fingers are treats. I would avoid petting her through the cage bars or sticking your fingers in the cage. It just peaks her interest and she's probably biting you to figure out what you're sticking through the cage. To avoid that, open the cage to pet her...
  17. javachin

    Screeching/Squealing noise?!?

    I have a few vocal chins who like to do that during certain periods of the day. I would say its something to attract your attention. Chins make so many funny noises.
  18. javachin

    New Chin Question

    I would say they're acclimating. Chins sleep at various times of the day, so its nothing to be worried about. Just make sure they're eating/drinking/pooping normally, give them some time and I'm sure they'll be fine.
  19. javachin

    Good Website for Chinchilla Toys

    Check out the classifieds thread. Myself and others sell toys and other items.
  20. javachin

    Chocolate or a poorly colored ebony?

    I'm gonna go with a really red ebony as well.