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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. javachin

    is it fungus? or fur biting ? how do I help her?

    I'm going to go with chewing as well, and there's nothing a vet can do to help it. Like Dawn said, they'll start for some reason, stop, and maybe not do it again. It could have been from rearranging the cage, but its really hard to tell. Just try to keep everything stable environment-wise for...
  2. javachin

    Setting up for a Chin

    Plastic dust houses are ok in my opinion since you're not going to leave them in there indefinitely. If you feel better using a glass fishbowl or glass whatever, that's just as good. I wouldn't use a plastic litter pan; you can buy a good glass Pyrex dish at Target/Walmart, and they work...
  3. javachin

    Leaving her alone :(

    Two days is fine as long as you keep them stocked up on food/water. If it were longer, then I'd consider taking her to someone to babysit.
  4. javachin

    Cuddling Pic!

    Nice shot! Its so hard to sneak up on them sometimes...
  5. javachin

    Rose Hips, Pink Rosebuds and an unknown as treats

    They're all rose petals/buds. You could probably do a pinch every few days or so. They're used a lot in herbal supplements, etc. but are used as treats too. I give adult chins a full bud every few weeks or so, but I change up treats so they don't get the same stuff all the time.
  6. javachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    I just sent out an email to a few people regarding raffle donations and/or show book ads. If you'd like to get information about how to participate, please PM me your email address and I'll send you a copy. Thanks in advance for any help!
  7. javachin

    Help with peeing

    Like Dev said, you'll have to somehow get soiled shavings and put them in the dish. Some take to it and some don't. I've had an 80% success rate when I've tried litter training my chins. Good luck!
  8. javachin

    Pumice Stone

    Get the sterile saline solution in the eye drops section of Walmart/Target, etc.
  9. javachin

    Best/cheap/smaller cage for 1 chin?

    With Black Friday around the corner, try looking into sales for single story FNs or CNs. I'm sure you can find a deal somewhere, or for something similar.
  10. javachin

    Is this the hay ball that is unsafe?

    That's one of the hay balls. There's another one that hangs by a wire and the wire spacing is a bit larger. I had one when I was very new to chins and haven't used one ever since. Chins will perch on anything and it wasn't worth the risk.
  11. javachin

    I just discovered TONS of ferret nations and exercise wheels and more for sale

    That's a great find. Hope some people can benefit from it.
  12. javachin

    Would this work? cage division.

    You could do something like that, but chicken wire has too large of an opening. I would find something with at least 1/2" x 1" holes AND make it a double wall with an inch in between. The reasoning for this is say you do the first (or however many) introductions this way, and one of them...
  13. javachin

    Treats for Chinchilla's

    I don't give any dried fruit at all. I just use rose hips, dried herbs, twigs/sticks, and plain shredded wheat as treats. Its a lot safer than going the sugary route.
  14. javachin

    Shredded wheat for treats

    The mini ones are fine every few days or so. You can break them up as others have said too to make it appear as if they're getting more.
  15. javachin

    What Food do you Feed? How much? And Chin Kitchens?

    I use Manna Pro Sho for my chins. For one chin, 5 lbs. lasts a couple months, and that's with free feeding with hay/hay cubes. A "kitchen" in my opinion wouldn't work with chins. They fling poop into everything!
  16. javachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    Update: Standard Show on Saturday and Mutation Show on Sunday. The banquet will be held at the hotel and will be catered by them, $30.00 per person; menu options to follow. The banquet theme colors for this year are blue and purple. Show Book Ads - The show book will be a pamphlet size...
  17. javachin

    Please help! Hannah is acting strange

    It could have been you just caught her at the wrong time that morning. They do get a bit of attitude when they're woken up when they're not ready to.
  18. javachin

    my chin likes eyelashes?

    Chins love to groom and are very curious about everything. She clearly thinks your eyelashes are either very interesting or very dirty (just kidding of course). LOL
  19. javachin

    Does anyone sell Fleece Bedding?

    PM Shooper, she makes nice fleece items.
  20. javachin

    2014 California ECBC State Show

    2014 CALIFORNIA ECBC STATE SHOW January 11 & 12, 2014 10 Class Standard & Mutation Live Animal Show Location: Lions Gate Hotel 3410 Westover Street North Highlands (Sacramento), CA 95652 (Rates to be announced.) Judges: Tamara Tucker & Maxine Lynch Schedule of Events: Friday: Set up by...