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  1. Nancy

    Oh Texie my boy; why the sniffles?

    OH NO! I can only imagine how scared you must be. I hope and pray it is allergy and not a repeat of his past infection. Hugs
  2. Nancy

    SO many questions!!

    Hedgehog Grove in Toronto sells the Carolina Storm wheels. Nikki of Quills n'things in Alberta sells bedding. It is not a good idea to leave them alone overnight. Since they are up and active at night, that is when problems can happen. A...
  3. Nancy

    Swimming Hedgies?

    I've not had any that would swim but have had a few that didn't mind the water. Most have hated and been terrified of it.
  4. Nancy


    They are so adorable. I miss having babies around. :cry3:
  5. Nancy


    There are hedgie socks here, but not the same ones.
  6. Nancy


    With that much of a size difference, it would be a good idea to either be supplemented, or pull the larger ones for a half hour or so every so often to allow the tiny ones to get more milk. With a size difference like that, the big ones will shove the tiny out of the way and hog all the milk...
  7. Nancy

    Snowberry's diet

    Some hedgehogs can't tolerate the high quality foods and Wellness in particular has been known to cause stomach upset and diarrhea. I'd go with something a bit more mid range and see if it helps. Or you could try one of the foods for sensitive stomachs. Sunseed is not horrible but is not...
  8. Nancy

    all relaxed

    Oh my gosh. He is such a cutie and so content and happy looking.
  9. Nancy

    Stretching, not eating, puking

    I agree. It's time for a vet visit asap. Hope he will be alright.
  10. Nancy

    Diet for a recovering lower broken jaw

    I totally missed this. Ella is beautiful. What a sad situation and how lucky she is that she has ended up with you. Love those bum shots. :)
  11. Nancy

    Poptart Stormrider 3/26/2007-8/22/2011

    I am so sorry Julie. It's bad enough for one to leave us but 3 so close together is beyond words. Hugs
  12. Nancy

    RIP little one.

    It's easy to say don't second guess your decision or doubt yourself but we all do. Every single time we help one cross the what if's start. What if we had tried this, or that, or done this, or that. Even when we know it's the right decision, we still wonder. You did the right thing and...
  13. Nancy

    Carnivore Care

    I've never had much luck with it. I've tried it with a few and they wouldn't touch it unless it was disguised with something else. I haven't tried it in 4 or 5 years so maybe the taste has improved since then.
  14. Nancy

    time to euthanize?

    I'm so sorry but it sounds like you are making the right decision. It's never easy and I think we always have that shred of hope. Hugs
  15. Nancy

    Hedgie Homecoming!

    She is stunning. Congratulations. :)
  16. Nancy

    time for sleepies

    What a cute little bum. :)
  17. Nancy

    Mama Hedgie has a tooth abscess??? Advice Needed!

    Yay for the good news so far. Hopefully babies will arrive soon. :)
  18. Nancy

    Kelen, ? - 07/25/2011

    I am so sorry April. He sounds like a wonderful little guy and thankfully his last months were spent knowing love and good care. Hugs
  19. Nancy

    Been Extremely Discouraged Lately

    I was told many years ago that no one, human, nor animal die of old age that there is always a cause. I guess in a way that makes sense because even those who pass in their sleep, they have passed in their sleep because their heart stopped or their lungs stopped or something physically stopped...
  20. Nancy

    Pictures of one of my hoglets

    He is adorable. :)