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  1. Idgie

    Fur HELP!!

    Thanks for the info. It is not red and I am beginning to think that it is fur slip. But I'll keep an eye on it.
  2. Idgie

    Fur HELP!!

    I have noticed a small bald spot on the base of Idgie's tail as well. It is white skin underneath and at first just looked like a 1/2 inch white line on the top of her tail at the base. I'm not sure what happened and if she chewed it or not. I've had her for 5 years and she has never chewed...
  3. Idgie


    I give Idgie her bath a few times a week. She jumps in and out several times and then she is done. She seems to love it and gets excited when I put the tub in her cage. But it only takes her a total of 10-15 minutes to go in and out and be done. My previous chin was the same.
  4. Idgie

    Wire Flooring

    I had a wire bottom cage with my first chin and wanted to use it when I adopted Idgie. But I learned that the holes are not good for their feet, plus it was really hard to clean. So I got a piece of lucite (the cover for a light in a drop ceiling), and put it over the wire bottom. It has...
  5. Idgie

    Dust Baths

    I usually change Idgie's dust about every month, though I don't have a schedule.
  6. Idgie

    Launching Pee? Territorial?

    My first chin would occasionally spray. It usually meant that she wanted you to get back. It helped to wait until she came to me to take her out of her cage. I'm lucky that Idgie never sprays and has never even taken the position.
  7. Idgie

    Oak and Maple.

    I'd also say no to both.
  8. Idgie

    Blood in cage?

    Not sure, but females do lose their plug and sometimes it could leave a little stain. Plus, do you now how a breeding pair?
  9. Idgie

    The bottom of a cage

    Do you have drop ceilings where you live? The covers for the flourescent light parts of the ceilings are lucite and cheap. Or there is plexiglass. You could get a sheet of it to cover the bottom--that's what I did. Not sure if it will work with the cage that you have or not. But it is easy...
  10. Idgie

    Is only Orchard Grass okay for hay?

    Yes, Idgie eats just "grass hay", as the farmer by me calls it. I suspect that it is orchard grass, but it is a grass hay, so all is good.
  11. Idgie

    Chinny Travel

    I bought a little critter carrier for the actual travel in the car (about half hour drive). It has two mesh "windows" and zipper up sides. Nice and small and Idgie is just in my lap in it (I'm not the driver). For the actual time that my sitter watches Idgie at her house while I am gone, I...
  12. Idgie

    Recycling treats

    Idgie does pretty much the same thing. She'll eat the bark off the apple twigs and maybe chew things a little and then won't come back to them. I didn't really try to recycle, but I heard someone say that you could put things in a baggy with something that they like and then give that a try...
  13. Idgie

    Hay Question

    Right. I'd also recommend trying to find a farmer near you for hay. They should have just cut some last month. You can usually get a bale for $6 and that would last you a year for a couple chins. Because there are horse farms in your area, I would have to imagine that you can get some great...
  14. Idgie

    What is your favorite foods to feed?

    Idgie eats Mazuri after I adopted her several years ago. She seems to be doing well on it and it is easy for me to get online or in the store. She loves anything with oats--rolled oats, groats, Life cereal. She gets a little of one of those each night. Apple sticks are a favorite along with...
  15. Idgie

    Family member is allergic to Timothy Hay!

    Didn't realize that. So here is hoping that orchard grass will work for everyone :)
  16. Idgie

    Are oats okay?

    A small amount as a treat is okay. Idgie loves oat groats and rolled oats.
  17. Idgie

    How to clean wooden ledges?

    I just take sandpaper and sand them down when needed. And Idgie doesn't stain her ledges, so I don't need to do it very often.
  18. Idgie

    Family member is allergic to Timothy Hay!

    timothy hay is a type of grass hay and so is orchard hay. If your brother is allergic to timothy, he is probably also going to be allergic to orchard hay. (And if your pellets are alfalfa based--which most are--you should be feeding some sort of grass hay.) It would seem to me if you keep the...
  19. Idgie

    Treats for my chin

    If they are new to you, I would focus first on making sure that they are on healthy pellets and hay as their main diet. Later if you want to give an occasional treat, you'll have to see what your chins like. Stay away from raisins. I have had good luck with old fashioned rolled oats or oat...
  20. Idgie

    cooked apple branches but...

    My guess is that it is lichen--a kind of fungus. Seems to me that people on the site have mixed feelings about it re: toxicity. Personally, I wouldn't feed it to Idgie. Can you scrape it off? Maybe others have thoughts. Or you could go up to the "search" function under lichen and see what...