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  1. tcraighenry

    Chinchilla: Avid Biter

    We had similar problems with both of ours. After a couple months of "ouch!" they both figured out the right way to groom.
  2. tcraighenry


    omg the bow is adorable! I wish I could get mine to sit still long enough!
  3. tcraighenry

    Do not use distilled water?

    We completely change out the water once a day and top up during the mornings. We wash the bottles with part vinegar/part water solution once per week. (And add rice kernels we shake up to scrub the bottle.)
  4. tcraighenry

    how much food should chins eat?

    Chins can be overweight but they have different body types than people! It's not really about raisins/dried cherries making them little chubbers. It's more about them eating things they can digest and won't upset their little tummies and possibly make them ill.
  5. tcraighenry

    Early Christmas gifts from Momma!

    Awwww! I love the last one.
  6. tcraighenry

    Internet diagnosis please!

    We have a feeling she might be manipulating us. She's done this a few times, usually after I've been sick. And of course if she starts displaying any slightly odd behavior we run over to check on her....
  7. tcraighenry

    Question about stitches and dust baths

    I think I read somewhere, maybe here? To rub dust into their fur but don't let them roll around.
  8. tcraighenry

    ate eraser - help!

    I wouldn't feel too dumb. I was sitting on the floor during play time and my cheekier chinchilla ran up, bit off a big piece of my leather belt and then ran away. She was holding the leather like 'what?' She did not want to let it go. They're fast and they're sneaky :)
  9. tcraighenry

    Heater obsession

    If you have a circulating fan or something on she might like the breeze. But mine develop weird little fixations that pass.
  10. tcraighenry

    Internet diagnosis please!

    Oh yeah, she's perfectly fine in that regard. We think she's really trying to get me to come see her. Which is sad, because I can't :( The rest of the night she was perfectly normal, if a little subdued
  11. tcraighenry

    Wakka, Tink and Tifa

    That's such a great setup!
  12. tcraighenry

    The rules for petsitting...

    We have someone come in twice a day, morning and night. Check bowls/water and all of that. We found a generic contract on the Internet that lists times/duties. Like if they need a dust bath/type of water to use/name and number of emergency vet and how much they're authorized to use +...
  13. tcraighenry

    Internet diagnosis please!

    So here's what Vincenza is doing: - She seems a little more subdued than normal. She's not bouncing as much, though when she does move around her cage she does it energetically. - She's been making a teeth grinding/clicking sound. I've heard her do it before. - She's been peeping a bit but...
  14. tcraighenry

    First vet visit

    If you have rose hips, take them. My vet used to give them a hay block for being good too.
  15. tcraighenry

    Stop peeing on the pellets!

    We split feeding because of poop in the pellets. One thing though, we discovered Cinnamon was peeing on the shelves when she felt we hadn't changed her pan soon enough. We do it twice a week to save some labor during cage cleaning. She mostly uses her litter pan but most importantly no pee...
  16. tcraighenry

    First vet visit

    Yeah they do that with varying degrees in frequency. It's normal. I usually just talk back and then they stop. As far as the vet visits go, I was happy we took ours in for their first visits. But I let Vincenza's yearly pass because I didn't want to stress her out too much. It was helpful in...
  17. tcraighenry

    Cinnamon and Vincenza say hi

    Thank you! They're so our little babies
  18. tcraighenry

    Cinnamon and Vincenza say hi

    She's so funny, she'll come running to the cage door when you walk over. But then when she gets there she really doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want to groom, or be scritched, she just wants to get attention. :)
  19. tcraighenry

    Cinnamon and Vincenza say hi

    Yeah she's a little tan. Her ears/nose and paws all have freckles on them.
  20. tcraighenry

    Need to up my Scritching skills?

    Vincenza loves them, Cinnamon pushes my finger away. Chinnie preference :)