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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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    When it's humid out I dust my guys about every other day but when it's not humid they get dusted a couple times a week. The most important thing is that the room they are in is temp controlled so that they don't overheat
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    Depressed mom after taking baby away?

    There is no guaranteeing that she will get along with or be happy with a new cage mate. Just give her some time. If she is eating/drinking/pooping normally then she eventually she will adjust to the change. If she's not eating/drinking/pooping normally then something else could be amiss.
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    My 2 month old Mochi

    Adorable and I absolutely love the name. Makes me want to go out and buy some mochi balls!
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    I think I need to give up my chins :(

    You could always switch them over to shavings instead of fleece and see if that helps with the smell, but it sounds like you've already decided that they won't be staying with you.
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    My I introduce Chester..

    What a cutie! Welcome to the forum, both of you :)
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    Chin eats pellets too much?

    I would not limit his pellets. I would switch up the hay you're giving him. Try different brands, different cuts, etc. to see if you can perk up his interest in it. Try mixing things up by giving him some botanical hay or orchard grass, see what he likes. Also, where you put the hay in the cage...
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    What is your chins favorite kind of wood?

    One of mine loves pretty much any wood, but goes particularly NUTS over apple. Him and his brother are also both over the moon for blackberry :D They chew on their pine stuff occasionally, generally when it's on a hanging toy, and they like willow but it's hard to get where I am. They also both...
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    DIY Beanbag chair (no-sew, easy)

    I think the point people are trying to make is: why take the risk when there is no need to? People often express their concern for potentially dangerous situations because here on the forum they have read about the deadly, worst case scenario results and the pain, suffering and loss that have...
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    Non-Chin Mom... Yet.

    Welcome to the forum and bummer about getting rid of your FN! lol, but isn't it always the way? That's great that you're interested in chins, but I would also emphasize that they aren't exactly cuddly creatures. They have their own personalities but it can take a long time for them to warm up to...
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    keeping the bedding in the cage?

    ChinChic makes Poopsaguards that do a pretty great job of keeping the poop in. Those paired with high edged bass pans and wood shelves that have wooden 'poop guards' attached to the back of them help minimize the mess, but alas, it's what we've all signed up for ;)
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    Chinchilla is urinating a lot

    I would not switch to carefresh because if they ingest it (and most chins will chew on it and try to eat it) it can expand in their stomachs causing serious problems like impaction, bloat, etc. If you aren't happy with aspen you would try switching to pine.
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    Slightly runny eye- advice needed

    Sounds good :) Make sure it's a plain saline solution, as it is generally stored in the section with the contact lense solution (which contains added bonuses for lenses but not for chinchillas!). You might have to wrap your chin up like a little burrito to get the drops in, but try to get at...
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    Slightly runny eye- advice needed

    I agree with the above. If you have saline or can pick up some plain saline rinse from the drug store you can give her eye a good rinse 3 or 4 times a day for a few days and if there is something just stuck in her eye that will help flush it out. If the ooze and crusties don't stop it's time to...
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    possible chin nightmares :(

    Mine do the same thing. It may be something in their dream or they may actually hear something. Chins have absolutely amazing hearing (check out their big radar-dish ears!), so even though it might seem quiet to you, I guarantee he's picking up one sounds your ears can't register. That being...
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    Taking a chinchilla off raisins

    It will pass. The absence of raisins in his diet will have an overall positive effect. He could just be acting out because of a slight change in his routine or it could just be a coincidence. If she is looking for safe treats to give him in the place of raisins, rosehips and apple sticks are a...
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    Yes, it is bad to have a fan pointed at a chinchilla. Drafts can give them an upper respiratory infection. Also, while a fan is cooling to you, it has no effect whatsoever on cooling your chin, so keep a close eye on the temp to make sure it's in the safe zone at all times and if it's not, turn...
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    Which is cheaper??

    Cheaper to do your own and worth it if you own a sewing machine. Doing them by hand takes WAY too long lol. Also, it's particularly worth it to do it yourself if you can find some fleece on sale ;) That said, be prepared for some trial and error. I made my first batch and one of the covers...
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    Chin Mom has Mastitis, what do I do with the Kits?

    My goodness, can you imagine trying to pump a chin nipple? I'm glad to hear that mom seems to be recovery. Hopefully everyone pulls through with flying colours. Are the kits healthy and gaining weight? How's mom's weight?
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    They escaped!

    block off the room that they are in and put their cage in there with food and water, etc. inside. Then settle in for a nice long stake-out. Alternatively, you can buy a live trap and put food or some treats or something in it. When they go in to get the treats, the door will close behind them...
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    Cardboard/toilet paper rolls?

    I avoid giving my chin actual toilet paper rolls because of the chance of bacteria transfer and also I don't know that the little bit of glue that they use to hold the end of the roll to the tube (which absorbs into the cardboard) is safe. I go with a better safe than sorry approach. There are...