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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. B

    Are these items suitable?

    I would not buy either of those products. The hammock is made of materials that are not chin safe. You want to find something that is made only of fleece. As for the house, it's quite small and without knowing if it is a chin-safe wood or not I wouldn't risk it. I would check out some of the...
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    Peeing on bed

    Don't let your chin free roam. Get a very large chin-safe cage (no plastic) and only let your chin out for supervised playtime in a room where there isn't anything that they can damage or get into or pee on that would cause a problem.
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    Besides bass pan ones...urine guards?

    It really depends on the chin. I had one who would do it constantly and with the two boys I have now it has never been an issue. If it is a problem, Annie from ChinChiq makes some adorable fleece poop guards with fleece ties so you can attach them to the cage and they might do the trick with pee...
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    Need help with rat introduction

    ^^^ Really curious to hear if this works (sorry, I otherwise have nothing helpful to contribute!)
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    Rescued chin! Need help!

    Keep an eye on her and see if she drinks/pees/poops. If she doesn't start eating and processing by tomorrow you may need to hand feed to make sure she doesn't go into stasis Edit: Also so glad to hear that you got her out of that situation! And I strongly agree with your decision to quarantine her
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    Where to buy a good/safe hidey house?

    I would check out the vendors who advertise through this forum. That way you can get one that you know is made of chin-safe materials and is potentially customizable. I also find getting someone to make you one is generally way better bang for your buck than buying one from a pet store
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    Folded ears- genetic?

    It's very possible that her ears were crumpled during the birthing process, particularly if she was a breach. I have seen other chins who have a crumpled ear or part of their tail missing or a toe or two missing as a result of a more difficult birth and the mom pulling the baby out.
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    hungry hungry chinchilla!

    I free feed (as in there is always food available) both of my boys for pellets and hay. Especially for a young chin I do not think under any circumstances that the food intake of still-growing chins should be limited. As long as they are one a good quality pellet and have good hay they are good...
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    Chinchilla Tattoo

    What about literally on top of your shoulder? As if a chin was sitting on your shoulder?
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    Need help with noise

    What kind of cage do you have jbrian?
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    Bedding questions.

    Materials that are not made of fleece are dangerous for your chinchilla because if they chew on them they can ingest the small strings that make up the fabric and that can cause serious health complications. Anti-pill fleece does not fray and produce those oh-so-indigestible threads that other...
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    Looking for a sturdy cage for a chewer

    I think you'll be really happy with the FN. Do you have pans on the way to replace the plastic or are you opting for fleece or something else (I currently use fleece) ? Yikes! It sounds like the hole-y cage is in pretty bad shape >< It's great that you've recognized his chewey needs and are...
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    Breeders selling breeding pair to newbs.

    I agree with Tagna. I think breeders have an responsibility to the chins they breed and to teach and talk to people they sell breeding pairs to. At the very least they should give them an information package about breeding including honest information about the risks of breeding. Chinchillas...
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    Toys Question

    Food colouring works and so does kool-aid powder, but to get a really bright colour bird dyes work best (in my experience)
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    Dust Bath

    Is the dust bath in with her all the time? Do you put it in and remove it? If so, how long is it left in for? How often do you change the dust?
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    Toys Question

    Bird dyes tend to do the trick and can give you really bright colours Edit: and by bird dyes I mean dyes used to make bird toys, not dyes to dye birds lol
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    found a chinchilla in a river, ears scabby and peeling need advice please

    A chinchillas digestive system has not developed to be able to properly digest fruits and veggies, so that's why they aren't supposed to have them. If they do get into them it can cause them to have issues of gas, bloat, stasis, etc. that can be fatal :( Keeping is sweet n' simple is definitely...
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    Wrecking Ball - Hedgehog parody

    For those of you who have watched the Miley Cyrus music video for 'wrecking ball,' here is the hedgehog very XD Enjoy ;)
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    Rest in peace my beautiful baby girl.

    My condolences, I am so very sorry for your loss