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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. B

    Is this safe?

    Yes, those are safe and likely to be destroyed pretty quickly!
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    A couple cute pics and the new FN finally came!

    The cages look great, the chins are super cute, and wow...what a special moment you captured with the pup and the horse ;)
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    Litter box

    kiln dried aspen or pine shavings or fleece are the only safe substances to put in a chins litter box (if it chooses to use it)
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    Mystery eye problem - have seen a vet

    Depending on the extent of any dental issues there may or may not be other signs that there is a problem. Chronic eye problems can be a pretty good indicator. Question: You said you used contact lens solution to rinse his eye. You mean saline solution right? Not actual disinfecting contact...
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    Is this a chinchilla?...roaming Universal theme park

    Not a chin (look at the tail and the size of the ears). I would guess it is from the vole family? Probably quite young in age as well.
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    How do I bond with my Chinchilla!?!

    This site has some great recommendations for bonding with your chinchilla (and chinchilla care more broadly)
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    water question!!!

    I use reverse osmosis water :)
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    How Much Dust?

    I normally put in abut enough to cover the floor of the dust house in about 1/2 inch of blue cloud dust. I've seen people use WAY more, but that seems to be more than enough for my guys.
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    Flying Saucer Noise

    Often stabilizing the saucer by putting wood underneath it can make a good deal of difference and if that doesn't work I have seen some people make a wooden structural support to brace the entire side of the cage (but that's a little extreme and normally with non FN cages). What kind of cage do...
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    Bedding questions

    Maybe they mean washing it and putting it through the dryer before sewing it? Also, be sure not to use fabric softener as that will impair absorbency
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    Is a good time for a cagemate?

    lol, chins are not mutation-ists (chin racism?), mutation does not predict their ability to get along. It's up to the individual chins. Just be sure to quarantine your new chin when you get him (30 days - separate cage, separate room) and also make sure your future chin is also a boy (a lot of...
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    How do you clean pee off of fur?

    I would remove all plastic from the cage (chins can ingest it and have serious gut issues as a result) by either replacing the shelves with kiln dried pine wooden shelves (or another safe wood) or covering them with fleece. I have a combination of fleece and wood shelves in my cage and have not...
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    How do you clean pee off of fur?

    Definitely don't use water. Dust baths and time are the only thing that will fix it. What kind of bedding/surface do you have down that he is peeing on? Fleece? Shavings? Other? Certain kinds of bedding will be more absorbent than others and might help prevent this problem in the future.
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    Taming my little wanderer

    Here is some info on bonding with your chin:
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    New Babies

    Aww! I love their giant baby chin foreheads :)
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    My Cage is Boring and Chins are bored!

    I would check out the suppliers that advertise through the forum. I buy from Chin Chic in the states (more for fleece and ledges rather than toys) and for all my toy supplies I buy from Zoey and Lilo's Toybox (which I find to be very reasonably priced) in Canada. I then use the toy supplies I...
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    In Cage Aggression?

    How long have you had your chin for? If you have had your chin for a while (more than 6 months or so) how did the initial bonding process go? If you just got your chin I would go very slow and gradually introduce yourself to the chin, there are lots of threads on here on how to bonds with your...
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    I'm a plus size....not fat!

    Love! Super chunk indeed! How much does she weigh?
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    Keep a close eye on her eating, drinking, and pooping. If one of those gets wonky get her to a vet asap. She might pass it on her own or it might cause a blockage, in which case her poops will slow/stop/get really tiny/etc.
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    Unexpected Baby Chinchilla

    Have you had to hand feed a chinchilla before? A lot of them are not too keen on it. Perhaps some of those experienced with and feeding a kit can suggest some techniques? Also there are probably threads on it since I know most breeders have dealt with hand-feeding at some point or another