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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. kraucci

    Chewing on cage floors/parts

    It's just so upsetting that they make these cages, which are not cheap as we all know, and they have to be MacGyvered. Thank you so much for all of your tips and advice, everyone!
  2. kraucci

    Chewing on cage floors/parts

    I mean the actual cage part you know the frame I guess I should say, is chew-proof. It's a Kaytee ferret cage if that helps visually. However, the plastic base and floors are clearly not part of the chew-proof description and neither are the slides/ramps. I haven't found any cages in the last 2...
  3. kraucci

    Some Chin Questions. Please Help

    I was sold a "fiesta" mix from the pet store I bought my chin from. I later learned from gobs of research that they should not have treats every day, and that was a large part of the pellet mix. I switched to a quality pellet-only feed (blending it in gradually incase he got sick). I also found...
  4. kraucci

    Chewing on cage floors/parts

    Since I got him about 2 years ago, Sam has chewed the floors (not the caging, which is chew-proof, as every part should be!) and slides in his cage. His bowel movements have not been impacted in the least bit, and he remains 100% healthy and acting the same. Am I going to have to buy new cage...
  5. kraucci

    Why does my chinchilla do this every night!

    I think it's just a nap situation. Most of Sam's naps are super short in general. He sort of just lingers in a puffy ball like you described in between running laps up and around his cage 100 miles per hour.
  6. kraucci

    Itchy chinchilla

    Is it possible that the frequency of the dust bath is too much? Sam was itching when I was giving him his dust twice a week. As soon as I took it down to once a week, I noticed he stopped scratching/biting.
  7. kraucci

    Chinchillas actually enjoying/watching television?

    When I tell people Big Bang Theory is my chinchilla's favorite tv show, they look at me like I'm nuts and/or way too obsessed with my pet. I'm happy to see someone else posting about this! I feel like it's a sound of one of the actors' voices, because he stops to face the tv during the show in...
  8. kraucci

    Rearranging cage

    Sam rearranges his sleep hideaway and toys the way he likes them after I put everything back when I clean his cage. He makes a little pillow with the bedding, too, sometimes. He starts digging about when his cage is at a ripe stage, so I take that as "c'mon mom, you're late" since he only does...
  9. kraucci

    first sickness?

    Thanks so much!
  10. kraucci

    carnival corn husk ball is good toy for my chin?

    The ball I'm thinking of that sounds like that along with all other toys/chews sold from the same store chain are labeled chinchilla friendly. Or did you mean actual corn?
  11. kraucci

    Barking Chin at Night

    Do you mean the "distress" type bark? Mine does that, but he apparently learned far too fast that he can get my attention asap, so he'll be completely fine sitting somewhere and make the noise. I feel like I'm facilitating a Pavlov's chinchilla situation often!
  12. kraucci

    Inexpensive Wheel?

    In my opinion, a wheel is just another thing for them to chew and will probably never get used, or used for anything other than lounging.
  13. kraucci

    Hello from Minnesota!

    Welcome from a fellow new member!
  14. kraucci

    first sickness?

    All the reading I've done has made me think they're more likely than not to come down with something and quick at some point. I knew they didn't need shots, but I wasn't sure how much of a worry wart I was being versus rational hahaha. Thanks!
  15. kraucci

    Visiting the Chinchilla Reserve in Chile

    I didn't know this existed. That sounds so great!
  16. kraucci

    first sickness?

    I'm wondering if there is a typical age for chins to come down with their first sickness/need to see a vet or if it's different for each? Just curious, thanks!
  17. kraucci

    Well visits?

    You made some great points. Thank you for your input!
  18. kraucci


    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  19. kraucci

    Well visits?

    I haven't had to take Sam to the vet yet, thank goodness! Has anyone ever taken their chin on a well visit or anything? Is that something anybody has heard of or recommends? Thanks! Korie and Sam
  20. kraucci

    Best chinchilla food brand?

    I'm a fan of Oxbow, but have heard equally great reviews about Mazuri! I was using the brand made by the undisclosed pet store that sold me Sam for the reasons one would think, until I started reading about how bad all the treats in that mix are for them to be eating daily. I mixed in the Oxbow...