I was wondering if anyone uses the metal shelves that you can buy from Quality Cage? My girls pee on the wood shelves alot and even with daily cleaning they are starting to develop an odor and was thinking about purchasing the metal shelves and was wondering if anyone has them and your...
I have one girl who sneezes more than my other girl, but they defintinely sound like sneezes (little teeny sneezes) and I'm not sure about the paws to the mouth.
Would definitely keep an eye out in case its something else.
I agree! Sleeping chins are the cutest!! Thats how one of my babies sleep, but I have a grapevine perch right at the end of the tube opening so she rests her head on it like a pillow.
I've had a few weird chin dreams. One was where there was a mouse in the chins room and I was afraid it would bite, hurt or scare them. Instead my girl Annie swallowed the mouse whole (like a snake) and then I was even more worried that she would choke or not be able to digest it.
I saw this video the other night as well as some others that really made me cringe. Some people have pets for their entertainment only and treat them like toys and have no compassion for their well being. Its really sad.
That chinchilla is simply being a chinchilla....yet the owner thinks he...
Thanks for the info. We just started dog sitting temporarily for a week.....maybe the smell or sounds of the dog are stressing her out. I'll keep an eye on her.
I just noticed that one of my girls poop was light tan last night. Its always been a normal dark color before now. Just curious if your chins poop returned to normal or if youv'e had any problems since you posted this?