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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Vyxxin

    Looking for FIXED male chin

    A few things, how do you know she's getting close to her first heat? If she is any age over 3mos she may've already had her first heat and if you had her w/males she could be pregnant. Second, if she is attacking other chinchillas in general she should probably be housed alone. There really is...
  2. Vyxxin

    Chinchilla and Bunny?

    Dawn- on the lines of pasteurella (as I get a LOT of rabbit owners that want to buy chins) there a way to test for it with accuracy? On a different note, REALLY hope you're not a member of some of the FB chin the stupidity is RAMPANT! Picture after picture of chins with...
  3. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    BUMP! Still have three dozen snowmen toys if you're looking for something seasonally special for your "special someone" :)
  4. Vyxxin

    water bath tips?

    In addition to what Snickers said (which is VERY sound advice) as the problem is the underside only I would not submerge the chinchilla. Try and have him stand on his hind legs, supporting his front off the ground with your hand...and pour water on his underside only. Trust me, it's going to be...
  5. Vyxxin

    Largest Chins?

    I've had one's in the 1200g range...I KNOW that's not the largest anyone's had on here though. I don't have pictures of her anymore, but you wouldn't have known from pictures that she was that large. She looked more like an 800-900g animal.
  6. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL ON ALL WOOD LEFT! Snowmen- $4/ea plus shipping, $50/dozen INCLUDING SHIPPING, or $130 for 3 dozen INCLUDING SHIPPING! Willow Lovers Pack- $35 INCLUDES SHIPPING
  7. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    BUMP! I currently have a small but select offering of willow available. There's some special "snowmen" toys, some regular hanging toys, and a willow lovers package all available and pictured on my site (first three pics click to enlarge):
  8. Vyxxin

    Help! Chin mom attacking her babies...

    I'm telling you, half of the decision was based on the fact that she never punctured...there was never any blood...but to see a mother take her newborn kit in her mouth and shake her head. All the while the kit is screaming bloody murder. It was horrifying. Same mother gave me a nice bite within...
  9. Vyxxin

    Help! Chin mom attacking her babies...

    I had this happen recently myself, first time mother (though she was well into adulthood at 4yrs)...starting day one and any time I was near her cage for the first five weeks...she'd lash out badly at her kits. Bite, toss, thrash...finally just got used to leaving her be and not being near her...
  10. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    Pam- messaged you on facebook Tilly- one person ahead of you, the specifics of the box were posted in post #40 of this thread.
  11. Vyxxin

    Chinchilla isn't moving?

    Usually when it comes out it's normal colored, when it dries it'll dry a red/brown color.
  12. Vyxxin

    Chinchilla isn't moving?

    No, it's NOT normal BUT...pee and drinking are two VERY easy to miss things. I would personally mark his water bottle AND line the bottom of the cage (since he doesn't have access to the bedding) with white paper towels and then remove some of his shelves...put his food/water on bottom level...
  13. Vyxxin

    Chinchilla isn't moving?

    Your advice was pretty spot on :) I always forget that "nocturnal" is old school thought about chinchillas. They can be active at any time during the day, but after ten years and hundreds of chinchillas (thank goodness not all at once) they DO seem to be most active during the late...
  14. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW! First two pics on page display (left) box of sticks/coins, (right) example of chunky toy and example of stick toy :)
  15. Vyxxin

    Chinchilla isn't moving?

    In addition to my previous comments, MOST chinchillas are more active at night. Likewise, MOST chinchillas do take a bit to settle in properly and until they do can be very cautious of their new surroundings. Also, when I asked if he moved when you touched him...this isn't something to test...
  16. Vyxxin

    Chinchilla isn't moving?

    Well, CAN he move? If you stick your hand in, touch him, does he move and if so does his movement seem normal? If so, I wouldn't be so worried. It's morning, they're nocturnal animals...much less active during the day. I'd keep an eye but his actions don't seem abnormal for a chinchilla just...
  17. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    Okay SOOOOO... We've got 8 thin stick toys @ $4/ea, 16 whirlie chunk toys @ $3.50/ea or take ALL 24 hanging toys for $80 including shipping!! Less than $3/toy when shipping's figured in ;) Still have the medium flat rate chewers box as well listed in last post. DO have pictures, just haven't...
  18. Vyxxin

    Apple & Willow Available NOW!

    Currently available: Medium flat rate containing approx. 3.5lbs willow coins & 1lb willow chew sticks $55 including shipping Also have some willow toys coming available here soon. Will be $4 for thin stick toys and $3.50 for chunkier (whirlies & chunks) toys. When everything's ready will post...
  19. Vyxxin

    splitting up a family

    I'm really not sure what the "chinchilla scene" is like where you live...if there are other options available such as a chinchilla rescue or whatnot... If your primary concern is money, then you'll need to house them until you can sell them. If the petstore is willing to pay in this case, I'd...
  20. Vyxxin

    Chin Chewing on Silver Surfer

    If you're noticing a LOT of larger GOUGES (and no sign chin is going to quit chewing) I would remove the wheel for fear of metal/paint ingestion in quantity. Chins can live w/o wheels provided they get proper exercise otherwise. While I'm sure this isn't the answer anyone paying for one of these...