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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. JamaisVu

    Dental checks and anesthesia

    Oh, I see! I was worried about potential malocclusion. This is good to know! Kumo can be a picky eater (I've struggled getting him to eat more hay over the years) but he loves alfalfa hay and thinks it's a real treat (he doesn't get it very often since adult chinchillas shouldn't eat much...
  2. JamaisVu

    Dental checks and anesthesia

    Hello! Just here looking for advice on things to watch for/consider/options I was playing with my chins last night when I noticed one of Kumo's incisor teeth was fairly white. The tooth right beside it was a nice, healthy orange so it was quite a contrast. He'd presented discoloration on this...
  3. JamaisVu

    Is It Worth It?

    What I did was put some pine shavings in places I knew they pee on, then I collected those and put them along with fresh shavings in the litter box. It took about a day for them to start using the box, so I'd say it's worth it since it's almost no effort. As a previous comment said, though...
  4. JamaisVu


    It really depends on the chin. My girl is very picky. She has a strong preference for apple and the stick has to pass her careful evaluation otherwise she won't chew it, so I tend to buy mostly apple. My boy likes most kinds and will happily hop over to inspect and chew whatever I give him. I...
  5. JamaisVu

    My chin can't eat. I need help!

    Are there any exotic vets within driving distance? I'd get a second opinion with a vet more familiar with chins. You might be able to just give an exotic vet a call/send an email. They might not be able to diagnose over the phone, but might be able to guide you as to what your vet needs to do.
  6. JamaisVu

    Urine Color

    Reddish urine, with no other signs, wouldn't be much of a concern to me. Like people have said, their urine tends to be concentrated and mine get a lot of apple twigs as "treats" and I know that can make their pee darker sometimes. I'd avoid the dried fruits. Chins love them but fruits aren't...
  7. JamaisVu

    Chin making loud sound

    Well...that's a fun addition to his barking repertoire. Chinny scream of death sounds about right 😅 It's definitely scaring me half to death. Thanks for the reply!
  8. JamaisVu

    Chin making loud sound

    Hi everyone, My boy Kumo is a VERY chatty ~10 yo chinchilla. Over the years I've gotten pretty familiar with most of the noises he makes and what they mean (you know...happy grunts during playtime, angry kacks when he sees the carrier because he hates the vet, warning calls to warn all the...
  9. JamaisVu

    The Debate On Playtime

    I have their play area set up around their cage. It's fenced off the rest of the room and completely chin proof. As long as I'm at home and able to keep an eye out for them, they have free access in and out their cage. Usually they wake up when I get home from work and that's when I let them...
  10. JamaisVu

    New Chinchilla Owner please help!

    Hello! I have 2 rescues and neither of them particularly appreciates being picked up, even after 8 years. I have a similar set up to yours and what I did is just go and sit down inside the play pen while they had full liberty to go in and out. They started to realize that I wasn't trying to...
  11. JamaisVu

    Moving (out of state) with chinchillas

    Hello! I moved from Florida to Indiana some years ago. I broke up the trip into 2 ~6 hour trips. The chins did great. They were not fans of getting in the carrier in the morning but once in the car they settled down to the AC and music and just fell asleep. I checked on them whenever I made a...
  12. JamaisVu

    New cage/playpen setup - help with ideas, please!

    Just something to put instead of the tarp. Hopefully something easier to take care of, but that still would keep her from peeing/taking apart the carpet. Vinyl is a good suggestion! I'll look into that Carabineers is such a good idea. I have a ton of those lying around, and never even thought...
  13. JamaisVu

    New cage/playpen setup - help with ideas, please!

    Hi everyone! Once again I turn to this super-helpful forum for suggestions. This summer I will be moving into my very first house. This is the first time I will have a choice in terms of where to put my chins...up until now I just separated half of my living room as the chin-exclusive resort...
  14. JamaisVu

    Chins trying to eat/rip off carpet?

    So I've had my chins for for about 2 years now, always in carpeted apartments, and they've never tried this before. But now, my girl discovered a tiny bit of the carpet that was coming off, and by the time I noticed why she was so obsessed with that particular corner, she had already lifted...
  15. JamaisVu

    Kinda fat, yet hyper chinchilla??

    Hi everyone. Sorry to Senkovi to intrude on your thread, but I have a chin that is very much the same. The vets told me she was too big and said she should lose some weight and try to switch her to mostly hay and few to no pellets. However, this is a chin that LOVES hay. She'll take it over...
  16. JamaisVu

    Vets in the Indianapolis Area?

    Great, I'll make sure to check them out. I found out I'm actually around 5 minutes away from the Avian and Exotics clinic (happy coincidence, it's so nice to have a clinic close in case of an emergency). Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it. :)
  17. JamaisVu

    My chinchillas wont let me touch them

    I feel like some chins need more time than others. My boy barked at me for a month before he felt I was worthy of scratching his head. He loves getting pet now, and turned out to be the sweeter one, even if he absolutely hates being held. The girl, on the other side, was shoving her nose onto...
  18. JamaisVu

    Renting with a Chinchilla- Tips?

    I've encountered all sorts of stuff. My current landlords decided chins rated as high as dogs in terms of destructiveness, so they charged me the full pet fee (which I was OK with because the apartment was really great, and the price was a good deal, regardless). The apartment I'm moving into...
  19. JamaisVu

    Vets in the Indianapolis Area?

    Oh wow, I had forgotten to check back on this. I'll be moving next week, more towards the north side, but I'll keep your vet clinic in mind. Thanks so much for the suggestions!
  20. JamaisVu

    Vets in the Indianapolis Area?

    I am moving to Indianapolis very soon, so I wanted to see if anybody had any recommendations of veterinarians in the area that are knowledgeable with chinchillas? I will take them for a checkup right before we leave FL, so they should be good for a while, but I want to have a number and place...