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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. U

    I"m New and Don't Know What This Is!

    This didn't have any hair attached to it and reading other articles( which I should have looked at ) kinda sounds like a heat plug because its about 1/4 inch in length maybe slightly smaller...It was kind of goopy in the middle with a waxy outer. Does that sound abut right? I'm wondering if I...
  2. U

    I"m New and Don't Know What This Is!

    Hi there. I'm new to this site and I need help.... I believe my chin is male ( first chin owner) and about 15 mins ago, I noticed him "grooming" and appeared out of nowhere in his hands this waxy white stuff almost like it was in a casing and I have no idea what this is! He (sorry to be graphic)...