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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Z

    Jumping Chins

    one off my chin would jump that easy and sit on the top and just look at me lol.also ive got another that just sqeezes through the bars hes a mazing dont no how he does it he looks so squashed lol little sods haha x
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    flooring in cage for chins

    has any body put floor tiles on the bottom off cage for chins to walk on etc
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    litter pan

    i just use lid of an old pyrez dish works great x
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    chin sleeping on side

    ok thank u ,yes my preggy girl slept on side at end off her pregnancy ,but these 2 have only just started it mainly after alot off exercise on wheel ,so am worried they over heating ? i have been putting 2 cooler blocks out off freezer under the wire and the cooler slab to see iff this will...
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    chin sleeping on side

    ok thank u ,i was told a while ago that it meant they could be poorly ,but all mine looking well was just worried ,also im not sure if my to girls 6 monthes old are over heating due to new wheel john hopewell its so much faster than the selvic wheel,they just calapes.after being on it on sides...
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    chin sleeping on side

    can someone tel me if it is bad for a chin to lie on there side ?
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    Making toys

    wow they good ,im just going to start making mine ,
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    is it okay...?

    my chin sleeps on the ledge 95 percent the time ,he just chews all his houses ,hes had 3 new ones in just 4 months ,hes an active boy lol and very distructive with all woods houses and hay houses ,x
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    i need to put more weight on 1 off mine as he very active and doesnt eat as much as he should ,thank u
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    Best place for toys

    where r u from ?
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    please can someone tell me when i stop putting probiotics in my chins water ,the vet said to give them to her as she was due to have her kits ,they 3 wks old now so can i stop ? all is well with her
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    hello everyone!!

    hello every one ,im new here so just learning how all is working with chat etc ,i have 6 chins and im from uk ,hope at some piont i will get to chat to some off you ,xx
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    hi thats good how did u put weight on your chin ? hope u dont mind me asking ,
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    Appropriate Toys for Baby Chins (Kits)

    hi all when u say no treats ,my baby chins try to take them out off mums mouth ie shreded wheat or alfafa sticks is this ok ? ali