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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Jill of Beans

    Hello From pennsylvania

    Welcome Neighbor!!! Can't wait to see some pics!!
  2. Jill of Beans

    heidi's kits at 1 week old

    What little cuties you have there!!! Conrats!
  3. Jill of Beans

    RIP Heiney

    I'm so sorry for your loss. It's always so hard to lose a chin, especially a favorite one.
  4. Jill of Beans

    Worried about Chin - Not doing well!

    Stormy, You did so much for Walter in such a short time. He knew that. Rest In Peace Walter.
  5. Jill of Beans


    It isn't hokey at ALL - as I said - I need to see them in order to "find" the right name for them...
  6. Jill of Beans


    Mish - he's STILL Klinger..... and we also have Snickers Tommy Soot Jack Voulet and RIP Gus Socrates Nicodeums I personally feel that I need to see the animal (or even the child) in order to find the right name that matches their face and personality....
  7. Jill of Beans

    Worried about Chin - Not doing well!

    I would INSIST on keeping him longer - especially if you are able to take care of him during the day. He'll need critical care every few hours to help him recover.
  8. Jill of Beans

    Worried about Chin - Not doing well!

    By now, you myst be at the Vet's Office. I am keeping Walter & you in my prayers.
  9. Jill of Beans

    Help Needed in Maryland

    Without going into all of the details - I am now faced with a family emergency - and while I am NOT wanting to get rid of my chin boys (the 5 of them) - I am wondering if there is anyone in the area who would be willing/able to foster them for approximately 4-6 weeks. Jill
  10. Jill of Beans

    Heidi had her kits!!!!!

    Congratulations on your kits!!!! They sure are cuties!
  11. Jill of Beans


    Maighen, I am so sorry for your loss of Sparkle. You showed her love and gave her a lot in a very short time. It is still very soon for you - but it will get easier as time passes. (((((HUGS)))))
  12. Jill of Beans

    Evacuation help

    My thoughts and prayers are with you right now - STAY SAFE!
  13. Jill of Beans

    Fleece absorbance?

    My fleece liners have batting inside of them - for absorbancy.
  14. Jill of Beans

    FN Question

    I was planning on getting it regardless, just trying to determine if I'm going to make a 3 level highrise for Soot, Klinger and Tommy. No...all 5 are NOT in one FN142. Three of my boys are in the FN 142, the other 2 are in a Massive Super Pet cage.
  15. Jill of Beans

    FN Question

    I have a FN 142, and have the chance to get a 143 attachment for next to nothing. I was considering adding it to my current cage -making it a triple-decker. Those of you with FN cages, do any of you have triple levels? What are the pros/cons of it and if you had the choice again - would you...
  16. Jill of Beans

    Tanzanias Kit

    What a Little Cutie-Pahtootee!!
  17. Jill of Beans

    3 day old kit in sticky adhesive

    Awww what a cutie!! Adrian, where are you located at?
  18. Jill of Beans

    BABY/S are coming!!!!!

    Cograts and Welcome Miguel!!! I thought there was more than one in the xray though...
  19. Jill of Beans

    seen baby skull in xray

    This is AWESOME!!! Congrats!!! We need Pics!!
  20. Jill of Beans

    Missing ears?

    I have to agree...Izzie is adorable and her lack of ears help make her even more special by adding to her cuteness!