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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Jill of Beans

    The Ferret Nation Club

    You found them for $50 & $100??? Snatch them up!!
  2. Jill of Beans

    Fighting & Separation Questions

    Once there is blood -that's it. Klinger for example - will NEVER be housed with another chin. He KILLED the standard my husband put in the cage with him - yes my husband was at fault - but Klinger will and MUST always remain a loner.
  3. Jill of Beans

    Fighting & Separation Questions

    Michelle, NEVER had any squabbles - they were best buds since we intro'd them.
  4. Jill of Beans

    Fighting & Separation Questions

    Oh No!! I wish I had some advice to share...these guys have been best buds for so long!! Some background on Snickers, when we got him - he had a cage mate. We brought him home and introduced him to Gus, who died later from Stasis. Snickers and Oreo (Soot) have only been together since we...
  5. Jill of Beans

    The Ferret Nation Club

    nothing wrong with being a band nerd...:thumbsup:
  6. Jill of Beans

    Fleece vs woodchips

    you will probably want to double it up - so it's at least 2 layers and hand washing/drying is fine - keeps it from shrinking.
  7. Jill of Beans

    Fleece vs woodchips

    When I had my 4 boys I used fleece - and I LOVE it hands down!! Lots less mess and more convenient for me.
  8. Jill of Beans

    would love to find hay!!!!

    Where in MD??? I'm in Annapolis and am going to pay $8/bale.
  9. Jill of Beans

    She has a new toy and a new hiding place

    Aww how cute....I don't see anything in the corner. ;)
  10. Jill of Beans

    Rough side of breeding (graphic)- good vibes needed

    So sorry Kristy. RIP little Domina.
  11. Jill of Beans

    Need a simple answer Timothy vs Orchard Grass

    I called a local feed store and they have timothy hay mixed with orchard grass for $8/bale. I am wondering if this is a good deal - seems to me it would be when compared to petstore prices. I'm just concerned about the mix. Should I go for it?
  12. Jill of Beans

    Need a simple answer Timothy vs Orchard Grass

    Can someone please break this down for me in basics? What's the difference and how does it affect chins in Timothy Hay and Orchard Grass? I previously fed my boys Orchard Grass, mainly due to allergies. When feeding Timothy Hay, I use a mask and gloves. What are the Pros and Cons of each...
  13. Jill of Beans

    Human Health Question - Asthma

    I got a Hepa filter and that seems to have REALLY helped a LOT. I think my triggers are definitely Timothy Hay.
  14. Jill of Beans


    Maryland IS bad - there are still a lot of streets that haven't even been plowed. Good Luck.
  15. Jill of Beans

    Shop Vac

    Great Deal!! Let us know how it works out for you!!
  16. Jill of Beans

    What is the best hay holder?

    I use toilet paper tubes or paper towel tubes cut in half....
  17. Jill of Beans

    Shop Vac

    I LOVE my shop vacit - it's great for everything and sucks up the hay no problem!! Wow - 109 for a shop vac!!?!? I spent less than 60 for ours and got it at Walmart. Personally - I didn't like the one that used a bag inside of it - and found it clogged. I also didn't like the smaller hose -...
  18. Jill of Beans

    Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

    I stated what was in the email. I am not an expert, nor a breeder, I am a novist pet owner. When I joined this forum I came here looking for advice, and have learned a lot in my time here.
  19. Jill of Beans

    My girl needs a name!

    Mischief? Monet?
  20. Jill of Beans

    Arlington TX SPCA bust - General Discussions

    I was seem to remember that those the died had digestive/dietary problems, which is why the transition of food has been recommended.