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  1. Chinlove

    Chinchilla repeated sneezing

    She isn’t doing it anymore, was doing it for the hour that I was with her in the morning, sneezed a couple times in the afternoon, but by nighttime it was gone. She seems fine today. Her eyes look normal and so does her nose/mouth, we’re wondering if it was just something irritating her at the...
  2. Chinlove

    Chinchilla repeated sneezing

    Hello! I noticed about an hour ago that my chinchilla was sneezing repeatedly when I touched her/she made any significant movements. I’ve been with her for about an hour now, and she’s done it consistently. This isn’t something she did last night or any other time, and I’m quite worried about...
  3. Chinlove

    Syringe Feeding Help

    Hello. My chinchilla has had a bit of a rough week, and long story short she has to be syringe fed for about a month. We had already been given some medicine to give her, one of which she doesn’t like to the point we have to force her to take it (She is incredibly squirmy and won’t open her...
  4. Chinlove

    Tossing Food

    I experienced that once with an old chinchilla. I think she was just picky and so she would throw it to the side. I don't think it should be a concern if nothing else notable is going on though.
  5. Chinlove

    Do you have chin gender preference?

    I've only had females, they've been sassy at worst and have nipped me a couple times and my old one sprayed once or twice but personally I've never minded all that much.
  6. Chinlove

    Chinchilla Chewing at Paws?

    I got a new chinnie a couple of weeks ago after my previous one passed, but today I noticed a really weird behaviour I've never seen before. After she was done with playtime, she climbed up onto the highest shelf to rest and then brought up her front paw and chewed at the toes of it for a couple...
  7. Chinlove

    RIP Feeny. Just looking for answers... support.

    So sad. My chinchilla has not currently died but she has a very serious (and likely very painful) tooth condition so we're planning to put her down this Thursday. My chinchilla is also 11. (almost 12, her birthday is on august 20.) I hope you feel better, and that you know Feeny is in a...
  8. Chinlove

    Misty (Ebony? 12 years)

    This is Misty. She's an 11 year old (12 in August) chinchilla. The rescue I got her from said she was an ebony but she seems more like a very dark standard...? Anyway, she's a very sweet and chill girl. she loves to sit by me and sleep. She's gone through a bit in the past year health-wise, but...
  9. Chinlove

    Sick chinchilla

    Misty was checked for the same tooth problems as her cagemate, and they did take x-rays. My information on this is limited since she is a rescue and it has been a few years since we've adopted her, so I'm not sure on what the tooth problems were. Thanks for the response by the way, this is very...
  10. Chinlove

    Sick chinchilla

    My 12-year-old chinchilla, Misty has had quite a few signs of sickness over the past few weeks. I am posting this to see if anyone has heard of any of the symptoms she has had or has/had a chinchilla with similar symptoms and some advice they can offer. My chinchilla has the following symptoms...
  11. Chinlove

    Wiping Mouth

    Just pawing at the mouth. And if nothing changes, I am planning on taking her to the vet.
  12. Chinlove

    Wiping Mouth

    My chinchilla has been wiping her mouth a lot recently. Whenever she eats, after every bite, she wipes her mouth. She will still eat fine, doesn't act like she's in pain, but it is unusual. She's become a bit of a messy eater. I have had her for about a year and 10 months, she is a bit old, (11...