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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Amethyst

    Chin not as energetic

    being from an arid environment and not naturally drinking a lot (about 1-3 oz a day) their pee is pretty concentrated so they don't pee a lot. I mostly meant "peeing normal" as in not straining to pee, peeing blood, peeing on themselves, or anything like that. Since he is starting to act more...
  2. Amethyst

    Chin not as energetic

    If he is still eating/drink, pooping/peeing and everything normally, and no signs of being sick (acting lethargic, fur chewing, abnormal poop, drooling, weight loss, etc), it could just be he got a bit depressed when you didn't interact with him for a couple weeks. They are social creatures so...
  3. Amethyst

    Gave my new chin dehydrated strawberries for 8 days

    Short term the biggest issues with giving fruits is the risk of digestive upset (gas, bloat, diarrhea), as well as the risk of seizures from the sudden spike and drop in blood sugar. Both of those issues you would see within a day of giving them. If it was the only time he had fruits it...
  4. Amethyst

    Diarrhea? -photo attached-

    It looks more like the water bottle dripped on some poop and maybe a pellet? If that is the only place you see it that is likely what it is. Another possibility if it's just the one poop, is it could be cecotrope, which is a special kind of poop chins eat to basically recirculate the good gut...
  5. Amethyst

    Tooth Trim Regrowth

    It's hard to say if they teeth have regrown enough to need another trim or not. Depending on diet and genetics their teeth can grow up to about 1/4 inch per month (a few inches a year), so depending on why they got over grown, like if he isn't eating lots of hay, chew sticks, and stuff like that...
  6. Amethyst

    Stasis? Seizure? Not happy with vet, frustrated…

    It might not be a bad idea to get a second opinion if you can find another vet. X-rays would be a good idea, that can help rule out if there is gas or a blockage in the gut. Raisins are not a good idea, unless you know for sure the reason for the seizure was low blood sugar, giving sugary...
  7. Amethyst

    Worried About Chinchilla

    There are several factors that effect lifespan. The first being genetics, there are certain genetic issues, like genetic malo, that can drastically shorten their lifespan since their teeth grow in misaligned. All you can really do is trim them regularly and give pain meds, but eventually it will...
  8. Amethyst

    Ringworms ?

    It sounds like it could be ringworm, which is a fungal infection not actual worms. It's called "ringworm" because the raised areas can look like ring shaped worms are under the skin. You might be better off just taking the chin to the vet to get a proper diagnosis, but if you are sure it's...
  9. Amethyst

    Chinchilla eye discharge

    The normal secretions are just oily not milk. the milky discharge makes me think either an eye infection or upper respiratory infection, but could also be a sign of an issue with the teeth roots. It's very possible he is washing his face because of the discharge, he is rubbing his face because...
  10. Amethyst

    FLEECE: Blizzard vs no pill

    Anti pill fleece is just that, it's fleece that doesn't pill when worn or washed. Blizzard fleece is imitation Polar fleece (name brand designed to mimic real sheep fleece), it can be anti-pill but it's not necessarily, it all depends on the quality which can vary from brand to brand. Good...
  11. Amethyst

    Unique Chinchilla Behaviors

    The question is kind of vague, but a change in behavior is generally caused by something. What exactly are they doing? Are they just running off to hide when you come in the room or hiding all the time? Are still eating, drinking, pooping and peeing normally? How long have you had the chin and...
  12. Amethyst

    Treats - where to order from?

    It's lucky you have the option of getting things in the US, the shipping from the US to Canada sucks and all the cool things tend to be in the US. Also with the current postal strike here in Canada I can't get mail here period so I really haven't even bothered looking online at any of the sales.
  13. Amethyst

    Treats - where to order from?

    I'm not sure they sell the rosehip and dandelion blend anymore. I think the only full cheeks one they have left that is ok is the herbs and flowers blend, but it's a mix. Anyways, there are other vendors that sell treats, one popular one is PandamoniumPets, they have a treat variety box you...
  14. Amethyst

    Chin crushing food?

    If he hasn't been to the vet recently it's not a bad idea. Chins are so good at hiding issues you really have to pick up on the little things. If you don't already it's a good idea to keep a weight record of him as well, at least once a month, a kitchen scale the measures in grams works well...
  15. Amethyst

    Chin crushing food?

    It could be a tooth issue, is there any other symptoms other then messy eating, like weight loss? drooling? pawing at the mouth? If you notice any of those things it's a good idea to get him checked out at the vet. Most chins are picky about their hay, they only want to eat the choice pieces or...