Im just about to go out and get an A/C will a one that uses water work, or would that be bad because it makes it humid
You are talking about a swamp cooler, and that isn't what you want. Get a regular A/C.
Not always true.
If you are in a very dry climate a swamp cooler may work just fine. With me though, being in FL, a swamp cooler would be completely out of the question since our air is so humid.
To Tiatrack, where are you located?
Crysta, it says she is in OR.
It is also fairly humid up here, which is why I would not get anything to add to the humidity. I would also just go for the portable a/c. A fan will do no good for chins since they do not sweat, and cannot cool down that way.
They are not a breeding ground for bacteria anymore than just living in a humid area would be.
Ok thanks, my mom is determined the guys at the pet store are right and they said a fan would work, and now she is debating wheter or not i can get a small portable A/C and im about to tell her how stupid she is being for listening to them
Good news.You dont need to have it right at 61, anywhere under 70 is fine.
But that's exactly my point. Humidity promotes bacterial growth.
I gets very humid in Nebraska in the summer, but I don't have problems with bacterial growth or fungus.