Haha, glad I made y'all laugh :3
This isn't from craigslist, it's from the Buffalo (WNY) SPCA, but I wanted to post it because I'm sad that a chin this old is in an off site shelter...
Some text:
Hello Mister, Mullet and Gullett here. We came from a home where the owner developed an allergy to us. We are very sweet and loving and are use to being handled. We like to be held an petted and don't give you a lot of trouble. If you are use to having chinchillas as pets come and visit us today. We are at Stapley Feed Center, 6447 Transit Rd in Depew. The number is 716-684-4488.
Breed Chinchilla/Chinchilla
Age 10 years 1 month
Sex Male
Size Small
Color Grey
Poor guy looks like he's lost a lot of fur recently.
(there are 2 chins currently looking for homes in that off site area, and another looking for a home who is in the lobby of the Buffalo SPCA...I got Mork and Orson from there, it was when there had recently been a large turnover of chins-they were in the top half of a FN with 3 other males...below them were 3 females, all young like Mork/Orson/their cage mates...and then in a guinea pig cage was a full grown Ebony and 3 or 4 beautiful kits. Kits hadn't been sexed yet though. Anyway, I felt bad that they were in the lobby, it was loud and bright, and they all looked pretty scared--except for Mork because he's deaf
