Be careful with pet stores. I personally have 1 chin from a pet store. Sure, he's very healthy, and abnormally sweet for a chin, but he was an impulse buy. I'm a sucker for anything that looks miserabel. I even bought a fish that looked helpless because I thought I could help it out..... not so much and I wasted $5 on a goldfish for it to die in the bag on the way home....
Anyways, back on subject....
When I bought Bryson, I knew absolutely NOTHING about chinchillas. Sure, I read the books and did some light research online, but that didn't really educate me enough. I had $300 in my pocket, went into Petco and bought him. I picked the cage that said it was for chinchillas, and it came with food and a water bottle, so all I had to do was grab the hay and my little guy and I was off. Sure, the cage was big enough for a 4 month old kit at the time, but as he grew it got way too small for him. The foot I was feeding him was crap. I didn't know that it was bad, I figured if it said chinchilla, then it was ok. It had corn, sunflower seeds, raisins, and treats in it. I was using that scented dust on him because someone at the pet store handed it to me and said to use it. I went out and bought him a bigger cage, a ferret cage, and I thought that was enough. Nope.
Now about pet stores in general. I don't trust them. There is a lady that lives down the road from me who has 10 or more chinchillas. One of which she bought at the same Petco around the same time I bought Bryson. (Possible that they were cage mates) The tags on the cage say "Standard Male Chinchilla" The one she bought from the pet store is a female. They know nothing about sexing a chinchilla. Also, when I bought Bryson, they listed a vet that they recommended for the animals they sell. I called just to see if I could get Bryson on their list just in case something happened, and they told me that they "do not treat chinchillas." Big red flag there.
I love to just go in and hold the chinchillas and hopefully get them used to human contact, plus I just feel bad for them. I don't know if the people who run the Petco near me are just ignorant to all **** or if it is the way they train them, but once just for fun I acted like I was going to buy a chinchilla and I just asked them everything seeming stupid. Mom and I walked around with a cart and we let the sales person fill it up with "what a chinchilla needs." I asked what food they were feeding, they pointed to Kaytee Fiesta. They told me to only offer hay during the day and remove what they don't eat before night time. They threw in a plastic igloo which was right next to a wooden hide box. I asked if the wooden hide box would be better (well duh) and they told me "No, that wood will kill them if they ate it" (Like plastic won't? :banghead

They put a single level cage in my cart and I told them that I thought they needed a multilevel home they said "No, they are ground animals, they don't jump well". I asked if they like company and I was told "No, they should not be around any other chinchilla as they fight all the time and they hate their own kind" (Ok, well why do you have them housed together if that's the case?) When all was done, and this was the kicker where we just had to up and leave because it made us so ticked. We were looking through the cart and we realized that there was nothing for them to chew on. We asked if they needed chew toys and get this, they said "No, wood is
dangerous for them to be chewing on. They don't need to chew, It's a
myth that their teeth keep growing. We don't offer our chinchillas anything to chew on and they are fine." :impatient: My mom lost it, she probably knows more about chinchillas than I do because she gets "bored" at work and researches about chinchillas. She asked for a manager and told the lady "We have 2 chinchillas, all the **** you have told us is bull and will eventually kill the poor thing." She told them we would never be back to buy anything from them ever again, and we haven't. We now get our dog food from a feed store, I get lizard food from a reptile feed vendor and have it shipped to me, we get chinchilla food from Susan (AZChins), i make my own toys, I use fleece as bedding, and they have a huge safe cage now. The only thing I buy from a pet store is Oxbow hay since it's the only kind I can find that they will eat, and we go to Petsmart for that. I HATE pet stores with a passion now. Mom told me I should work at that Petco and give people right information, but then realized I would probably get fired because I would send people elsewhere.
Please look for breeders. You will get a happy chin that has been taken care of properly. I can tell you from experience, I rescued a chin in HORRIBLE condition that someone bought from a pet store and went off of what they told him about how to take care of it. He kept him in a dog crate, barely gave him hay, and he had nothing to chew on. It cost me well over a grand to fix him up and get him back to, well, probably to BEING a healthy, happy boy.
Uhg Pet stores piss me off.