Always into something...
Copied from Chincare
Since 2001 we've treated eleven maloccluders in addition to many cases of only mild to moderate calcium deficiency. Our input in this section (where other sources are not cited) is based largely on our personal research and experience as well as feedback from others we've advised in the course of our rescue/ re-homing work.
Defining Malocclusion
Malocclusion, according to Dictionary. com, is defined as: "faulty occlusion; irregular contact of opposing teeth in the upper and lower jaws." Common usage in the pet chinchilla community differs somewhat from the actual definition of "malocclusion," being used to indicate a condition of overgrowth of the teeth, either root or crown elongation, in either the incisors or molars, regardless of misalignment but not excluding it.
In other words, the common usage focuses more on the problem of overgrowth than misalignment, probably because misalignment in itself isn't normally a significant problem, it's overgrowth that makes malocclusion fatal. Misalignment and overgrowth are actually very closely linked, overgrowth is often the precursor to misalignment. Our use of the term, "malocclusion" on this site leans more toward the common use of the word.
"Molar spurs," "burrs," or "points" are terms that all indicate the same thing- overgrowth, or elongation, of the back teeth above the tooth crown.
Malocclusion has three potential causes: genetic (hereditary), accidental (as with a chin who broke his upper incisors clean off as a kit, see photo) or environmental (brought on by calcium deficiency, inadequate tooth wear). Maloccluders of a genetic of environmental kind should NEVER be bred, they must be considered NFB.
Malocclusion Articles and Photos
Since 2001 we've treated eleven maloccluders in addition to many cases of only mild to moderate calcium deficiency. Our input in this section (where other sources are not cited) is based largely on our personal research and experience as well as feedback from others we've advised in the course of our rescue/ re-homing work.
Defining Malocclusion
Malocclusion, according to Dictionary. com, is defined as: "faulty occlusion; irregular contact of opposing teeth in the upper and lower jaws." Common usage in the pet chinchilla community differs somewhat from the actual definition of "malocclusion," being used to indicate a condition of overgrowth of the teeth, either root or crown elongation, in either the incisors or molars, regardless of misalignment but not excluding it.
In other words, the common usage focuses more on the problem of overgrowth than misalignment, probably because misalignment in itself isn't normally a significant problem, it's overgrowth that makes malocclusion fatal. Misalignment and overgrowth are actually very closely linked, overgrowth is often the precursor to misalignment. Our use of the term, "malocclusion" on this site leans more toward the common use of the word.
"Molar spurs," "burrs," or "points" are terms that all indicate the same thing- overgrowth, or elongation, of the back teeth above the tooth crown.
Malocclusion has three potential causes: genetic (hereditary), accidental (as with a chin who broke his upper incisors clean off as a kit, see photo) or environmental (brought on by calcium deficiency, inadequate tooth wear). Maloccluders of a genetic of environmental kind should NEVER be bred, they must be considered NFB.
Malocclusion Articles and Photos
- About dental surgery to correct malocclusionby Azure Chinchillas, posted on Chinchillas Unlimited html / .doc
- Dental surgery in a specific malocclusion case by Azure Chinchillas, posted on Chinchillas Unlimited html / .doc
- Detailed malocclusion article with x-ray photo examples Pawtalk
- Endoscopic surgery in small mammals, with photos of molar spur in the rabbit: UOG College of Vet Medicine
- Malocclusion, genetics: Crystal Chinchillas: see Health Articles
- Malocclusion, general articles: CalNet, CA Vet Journal (1, 2), Chinchilla Chat Line, Chinchillas4Life,Chinnitude (photos), Vetcetera, Granite City Chinchillas, Pet Care Veterinary Hospital
- Malocclusion, photo of Sasha's Miracle, the before and after treatment
- Malocclusion, treatment Chinchilla Cymru
- Molar spurs and points: CA Chins (photos), Chinchilla Cymru, Chinchilla Quest, Chinnitude (photos)
- Photo of molar spur exam
- Photo of x-ray and teeth from malocclusion caused by accident
- Photo of x-ray showing teeth as they should be, and x-ray showing malocclusion
- Photos of skulls manifesting malocclusion: Chinchillas4Life, Crystal Chinchillas, Rivendell Chinchillas
- Photos of maloccluders: serious cases of malocclusion- photo 1, photo 2; drooling and wet front- photo 1, photo 2; soiled paws and fur pawed away under chin- photo; emaciation due to inability to eat, note that head is disproportionately larger than body and drooling wiped on side has resulted in matted fur- photo