I will say if the eye drops that you have are from a while ago that they probably should not be used on this chin. No idea as to whether the drops have an expiration, but if the other chin had an infection that this chin does not you can transfer (possibly depending on life of old infection bugs) it and end up with another problem. Although, most bugs do not live outside for very long, it's probably just better to hold off until a vet can take a look. Could you possibly put the chin in a carrier on your front stoop moments before a friend comes to take it to the vet? Your friend can use a mask as well as hand washing to protect themselves, and this way they wouldn't have to have actual contact with you and most likely less chance of getting the flu? It's a tough situation, and I hope that you start feeling better soon. From what I remember most human diseases do not transfer to chins, but there isn't that much known on the H1N1 to determine whether you could get your chin sick from you or not. Is there any discharge coming from it's nose? If it's only the eye, I would lean towards an irritation (which happens with chins anyhow) with the eye more than towards H1N1. Definitely withhold baths, because they are common sources of eye irritation anyhow. Please keep us updated because this whole thing is probably going to happen to someone else out there, and we'd like to know exactly how much we need to worry about our children (chinnies) if we end up getting swine flu. I'd place my bet on eye irritation, but you have a total reason to be a little worried about your baby. I wish you and your family a quick recovery, including your chinny. - Jessica