Northern California

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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U.C. Davis small animal clinic
Voice: (530) 752-1393
Out-of-hours (Emergency) calls (530) 752-0186

The Small Animal Clinic deals with domestic pets and wildlife to include dogs, cats, birds, reptiles and other small pets.

I took one of my chins in on a holiday weekend with an eye injury and the vet was very knowledgable about chins. She did a complete physical at the same time.
Do you remember the vet's name? I am moving out there next fall for school.

The exotics clinic consists of three residents (DVMs pursuing specialty training in exotic medicine) and I believe three faculty clinicians (who have board certification in avian medicine, which is the only exotics discipline to have board certification at this time, as well as many years of working with exotics under various conditions under their belts). At any given time, there are 2-3 residents and 1-2 faculty on duty; the residents rotate on-call time (emergencies) with the faculty available for backup as necessary. The residents primarily see patients, with the faculty supervising and being involved in pretty much every case to varying degrees. One resident graduates and a new one comes in every year; the faculty have much much less turnover.

If you're in the Sac area and would rather not go to a teaching hospital (mostly this prolongs wait times, but does allow for more diagnostics to be done), Dr Marianne Brick is very good.
Maidon Avenue Veterinary Clnic
8520 Madison Avenue
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 961-1541