My chin bit me...:(

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Active member
Oct 20, 2011
I got him when he was 3 month old.
I've have him for a year and we get along well.
When I say "come here" he comes to me.
He does excellent tricks too.

BUT!! he bit me last night...
when he was outside of the cage (I let him out for hours a night),
he was same as usual like running,relaxing,resting,sitting next me est..

when he sat and chilled by the window,
I was at the other side of the room taking a paper from a box,
he ran to me and bit so hard many times until I moved my legs away from him. was like dog fight biting.
He bite me when I tease him but it's light bite.
You know what I'm talking about.

I didn't let him out tonight.
He seems he know he did something bad and I'm upset with it.
But i didn't give him any attention today.

I just don't understand why he bit me seriously.
I didn't make loud noise or do strange thing.
I don't know what made him do this.
please help!!!
*I attached pics of his bite.


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He is an animal...who knows why he did what he did. It happens. They do not reason like us so....
We used to have a chin that was a biter. Sadly she passed away this passed December. We were her 4th or 5th home and her forever home. She lived with us for about 3 years. When we first got her she would try shoving her mouth between the bars to try and bite me as I walked by. She never tried to bite my boyfriend at all. She drew blood from me a few times when I was feeding her or corralling her after playtime or changing the water bottle. I never let her see that it hurt me though, and she would miss out on treats for it. One day she decided she was my best friend and lunged at me when I opened the cage door. I was certain she was going to take off my nose, but she just hopped up on my shoulder and snuggled in my hair. From that day on we got along great, with no more biting. Nothing really changed, except she stopped biting. We will never know why she bit in the first place or why she stopped.
Try not to be afraid of your little guy and if he tries biting you, just push him away. I'm sure he pushes you away on occasion, give him a taste of his own medicine. Try to not let him get a rise out of you, if he sees that biting you doesn't do anything he should stop. I'm hoping that you somehow just scared him and that's why he "attacked", not that he is just becoming aggressive. Sorry for the long post, but good luck.
I have no idea why your chin bit you! Like starleomach said, "they don't reason like we do". You'll probably never know. I'll be honest, Chichi bit me when I first brought her home. It wasn't like your bite, it was light and didn't leave a mark. It was still kinda shocking, but I know why it happened. I tried to trap her in the dust bath house to put her back in the cage. She was frightened and bit my hand that was covering the hole to get out. I completely get that. None of my other chins have ever bit and Chichi never did again... so who knows.
My friendliest chin bites on occasion... a week ago he bit my boyfriend and drew blood, and his finger ended up getting infected. When he bites me it is usually because he is annoyed at something or I am blocking his way, maybe your little guy was just in a bad mood, but that bite and bruise does look nasty! Strange that it's on the leg too, I always get bitten on the hands and fingers.
That is a nasty bite. I would stop teasing him for one thing. Idk why he did it. Maybe he was out too long? Can he get back in his cage while he is out for hours? He really shouldn't be out that long, he may have been thirsty, maybe he wanted to pee in his "spot" in his cage. Put a box or something down so he can return to his cage as he wants. Also it is getting warmer, maybe he got overheated and that made him cranky. Watch for red ears, and keep the room cooler. You have A/C on right?
Thank you everyone.
I let him out today and didn't give him any attention for a while.
He was a super good boy today:)
He came to me and checked my feelings many times
and didn't do what I always say "NO" thing.

I'm sorry for the lost one.
She must have liked and trusted you.
I think she was happy to finally found a HOME.

His cage is open when he is out so he can drink water and
pee in the litter pan. I also put a tray for pee outside.
I don't use AC now but summer time because it's been cool here in NYC. And of course I check his ears often.

May be he was in bad mood..
May be he was half asleep and I looked like a monster..

I sometimes forget he is a animal.
I feel like he is a friend or mother and son.
So I was very shocked this time.
But today he was showing sings of regret
so I hope it won't be happen again.
I feel for you. I got biten by my fur chewer while cleaning up the cage. I was not evening trying to pet him or tease him or anything. My hand was about 6 inches away from him and he charged forward and bit me :( no blood drew but it hurt...... My other chin never bit any of us but the fur chewer has biten few of us....
Who knows why, rodents.....