Sluggish durring the day?

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2011
My 4 month old chin is very sluggish during the day, when I let her out she goes and runs under her cage. At night she will jump around and be very active.
I know they are nocturnal but I also heard they can be adapted to the day time.
I don't mind if she sleeps during the day because I am a night person. I just want to make sure its normal
I know I'm just a worried new chin owner :rolleyes:
Some chins adapt easily to daytime, others take a while or never do. Generally though, they sleep during the day unless you wake them up. If she seems to like the evening better, then let her have her run time then instead of during the day. Evening is also usually cooler as well.
I have some chins like that. They really don't like being bothered after maybe 7 am because they want to sleep. It's normal for some chins. Like Peggy said, some adapt to being awake during the day much easier than others.

I had this one rescue pair last year that worried me the same way. They were sluggish until 7 or 8 pm and then they were normal chins. Apparently that's alright with their new family because they have playtime at night.
I only have three boys who are pets but they all usually like to sleep during the day. Sometimes Edgar or Jackie will want a little attention but Oscar usually gives me stink eye to let me know it's time to sleep. It is often a good time for scritches though because they are still enough to let me.
Thanks guys, I figured it was normal :clown:

I only have three boys who are pets but they all usually like to sleep during the day. Sometimes Edgar or Jackie will want a little attention but Oscar usually gives me stink eye to let me know it's time to sleep. It is often a good time for scritches though because they are still enough to let me.

Yeah Sombra gives me the stink eye as well. :1grouch:
Ah well looks like I'll be staying up playing with her :]
Actually Chinchillas are Crepuscular, which means they are most active during the "twilight" time which is usually dusk & dawn.
All 3 of my chins go to sleep around 7-7.30 am and don't really get active until around 6pm...
All 3 of my chins go to sleep around 7-7.30 am and don't really get active until around 6pm...

That is definatly her schedule. She likes to nap after playtime also even if it's at night.
Which is probably because she is a kit and yes likes to nap.:tired: