Abscesses, possibly hernias?

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While I was giving my little boy (6 months old) a hair ring check late last night, I noticed that when he was on his back he had two bulbous shaped extrusions, side by side... I do not know what they are and I am scheduling a vet appointment ASAP.
They only appear when he seems to strain, which leads me to believe that they may be hernia.
At points he sits arched and seems to be grinding his teeth, he also seems to be chewing the fur on his paws and feet out of frustration.. He acts lethargic and dazed at points but quickly snaps out of them.
I have yet to see him poo, but he is eating hay and drinking. (I took his pellets out)

Obviously this photos is not mine and I have added the red circles to signify where they are located.

If anyone may know anything, it would really help...

Are you sure it wasn't his testicle? They can bring them in and out of their body so at times they are more prevalent than others. I know the first time I saw them really out there, I was concerned and thought something was wrong.
Yes I am sure.
He is acting very unusual also, so it does not make sense if that was just the case...
Both of the extrusions are on one side, next to the anus
Also, when he lays down, he makes sure that both of hind legs are to the side, as if something down there is bothering him because he doesn't wanna lay on it. He does not lay like that and only started doing that today
I don't think there's much that we can tell you here without actually examining the chin ourselves. I'm not sure what it could be. I have not heard of any instances of hernias in chins..I'm sure it may happen but I don't recall reading anything about them.

Try to get him into the vet ASAP, and let us know what the vet says.
Thank you for your insight..
My mother will be here shortly to drive him and I to the vet since I cannot drive myself.

Once I get back I will post his *possible* diagnosis.

I just got back from the vet, it seems that the end of his left testicle had crossed over to the right, restricting the rectum. (Which is why there were TWO lumps instead of one...It also explains his discomfort. If it continues doing this the only other option is to neuter him. (Risky....)
He is also constipated..I will be switching him over to Oxbow.

I would also know what things can help with his constipation, please??
belly massages will help with the constipation/bloat. Not sure if baby gas drops would help with this situation or not as it's a physcial restriction due to the crossed scrotum. But you can administor baby gas drops to also help ease gas in the belly. But it's also important to do regular belly massages and allow playtime to help the bowels move.
Castration is not any more risky than any other surgery in a chin, provided you have a vet that knows what they are doing. I personally think waiting around for a testicle to move itself with wishful thinking, while a chin is constipated and unable to defecate, is a lot more risky.

If your chin cannot defecate, it will stop eating. If it stops eating, you are going to be facing way more than you ever wanted to. If the vet cannot manipulate the testicle back into it's proper position, then I would be looking into castration and fast. I'm also not sure that if they repositioned the testicle it would stay once this has already happened anyway. It could become a chronic issue.
I fully agree with Tunes. I don't understand why the vet didn't fully address the issue of the chin not pooping. The chin should have been put on medication to encourage the pooping and should have immediately set up an appointment to have the chin neutered. I would find another vet - the one you took the chin to doesn't seem to know what is best for the chin
Thanks to everyone.
I will visit a new vet,to neuter him, this seems to be the whole problem, why he can't poo, why he's uncomfortable.
At least that is what I, and the vet believe (It is obvious to see now that I've found photos of properly placed testes). She examined him and moved the testicle back to it's normal position but it just seemed to slide right back where it was. It's so odd.. I've looked up online and I have found no cases of this happening.

I have a few questions about neutering,
1.) How long does the surgical aspect usually take?
2.) How long does the incision take to heal? (I know it is generally different for all chins, but a rough estimate would be nice.)
3.) I am going to separate him from his cage mate until he heals... Is this a good or bad idea?
4.) Is it okay for him to be out of the cage with his cage mate while in the healing process?
5.) Should I cut down on dust baths totally, or limit it to once a week?
6.) Is it a good idea to feed him CC during this period? Along with timothy hay and pellets. (NO treats) Or only give it to him if he is not eating his pellets/hay?

7.) Recommendation for a GOOD vet in the Worcester, MA area that I can trust to do this procedure.. Since I will not go back to the one I visited today.
1.) How long does the surgical aspect usually take?
It took less than an hour for one of mine. Waking up from anesthesia took a bit longer. They like to keep them toasty so they aren't shocky.

2.) How long does the incision take to heal? (I know it is generally different for all chins, but a rough estimate would be nice.)
A couple weeks to be completely healed, if everything goes normally. With cage rest and keeping the cage clean, administering pain meds early on, and possibly antibiotics, the healing goes pretty fast.

3.) I am going to separate him from his cage mate until he heals... Is this a good or bad idea?
Definitely keep him separate, in a small cage or cat carrier, no levels, no wheels, on white paper towels so you can monitor pee, poop, and discharge or bleeding that might occur.

4.) Is it okay for him to be out of the cage with his cage mate while in the healing process?

No. I would keep him in his carrier until he is fully healed.

5.) Should I cut down on dust baths totally, or limit it to once a week?
Don't give one until the incision is closed. Plus, you don't want him rolling around and jerking, risking opening the incision.

6.) Is it a good idea to feed him CC during this period? Along with timothy hay and pellets. (NO treats) Or only give it to him if he is not eating his pellets/hay?

If he's eating regular food, let him eat his regular food and hay. Some chins get hooked on CC and don't want to go back to their normal pellets, which is a HUGE pain in the butt.
Which pain meds and antibiotics are safe for chins?
I want to know before hand. Even though the vet may prescribe them, they may not be the safest and I would want the best ones I can get for him.
Metacam for pain in most instances and I would think trimethoprim sulfa would be okay. If they give it, it's usually a preventative, to head off infection. Sometimes the vet will just give a big shot of Baytril while they are asleep and let it go at that.

Make sure you have an experienced vet. Ask questions. Find out if they have done this type of procedure before.
How is your chin doing?

What did the vet say after the surgery as far as why the testicle kept going to one side?