Cage Pictures

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Active member
Jan 29, 2009
Eden, NC
I love sharing and seeing cage pictures so here are some of mine (please excuse the mess of poops and thrown hay).

Full view of our FN

Top Half

Bottom Half

The boys wondering why I'm playing in their cage
Rach, do you have the fleece liners fastened to anything? I always sew mine, put grommets and rings in, and little lanyard hooks.

Is your fleece just wrapped under the pan? Does it stay put for you? I'd love not to have to sew the liners; it would be a great time saver.

I just noticed your hammie! I have the same one, it was my very first hammie, purchased from Nicole (Riven)!
There are many days when I wish I didn't get as big as I was. I see all these amazing cages with toys, hammocks, tubes, etc and wish I could do the same for my guys. I LOVE seeing all your spoiled chins! Keep the pictures coming guys :)
yep, I just tuck the fleece under the pans and it works for me. On the bottom you can see I have a big rock in one corner and then they hay thing and house in the other corners so it really stays in place and my boys don't bother with it. I have about 8 "liners" that I use but really they're just sheets of fleece large enough to double over the pan... and with the double layer even when we have accidents it doesn't go through to the pan.
I see you have the same door issues I have with my FN's, they always look a little lopsided! I think I will swap my doors out tonight and see if I can get them to match better. :p
It's a weird quirk on an otherwise perfect cage! LOL!

Nice set up you have there, and CUTE chins!
I get a chance to show off the nice big cage that my hubby and I built a few months back. The smaller cage was connected but it's separated at the moment b/c my top dog Pip decided he wanted hot little Feeney all to himself and started to harass Oscar and Max, so the Grey Boys are housed in it. They all come out together for playtime though and I get to design another cage for the Grey Boys soon which should be fun.





^^ Evil Pip
I wish we could decorate our cage like that, but money is short. By the way, it looks great.
Wow!:eek: What a massive cage! Looks great.
Thanks. It was meant to house four chinchillas but like I said, recently my top fluff decided he did not want to share the new mosaic boy with the Grey Boys. The two mosaics are incredibly lovey dovey with each other, a lot like your two boys, so they're a couple now. :rolleyes:

I love your FN cage and if they weren't so expensive where I live I'd definitely get one. They're over $300 CDN here and no one price matches; tried that already.
Here's our set up (old pic though, I've since had to remove Spooky's mailbox house cause she chewed it up :()


Here's a more recent one with our fancy floor (for easy clean up)
Spooky chewing on your fleece creations is utter blasphemy! :eek:

Nice setup; very colourful.
i am absoulutly terrible with decorating cages lol everyone else looks so cool but not mine lol
Here's pictures of my cages. They've changed some with more ledges and MuShu has one of those daybeds from our Secret Santa, but otherwise it gives a general idea..



And then Mei and Kona's
I get a chance to show off the nice big cage that my hubby and I built a few months back. The smaller cage was connected but it's separated at the moment b/c my top dog Pip decided he wanted hot little Feeney all to himself and started to harass Oscar and Max, so the Grey Boys are housed in it. They all come out together for playtime though and I get to design another cage for the Grey Boys soon which should be fun.





^^ Evil Pip

that is a massive cage! Good job!! I wish i had that much space!
Here is my other cage since I posted a pic of my FN in a different thread.


I have added a lot since that pic. There is a lot more on the top level and chin spin in the lower area.

And just to show how much bigger it it here it is next to my FN:
