whiting-out part of a registered logo?!?

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super-duper hedgiepig
Jan 29, 2009
At work, one member of my team is of the opinion that if you white-out a portion of another company's logo, then you can use it in your materials because it's no longer the other company's original registered logo.

Another member of my team believes that you cannot do this.

I happen to be on the side that says "no, you can't do that" but am completely failing at finding documentation to support either position. Can anyone help me out here?
No, I wouldn't think you can do that, because they would own the design of the logo. It would have to be a substantial change to the logo for it to be okay. Not just whiting out a portion of it, or changing a small portion.

Kind of like the idiot who just flipped the logo of the NHL team the Columbus Blue Jackets around and took off a red dot from the flag and gave it to a Senate candidate. http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/pu...idate-on-how-campaign-stole-Co?urn=nhl,227264
Yep, its illegal...and depending on the use, could get your coworker or your company in some trouble. It's copyrighted material, and counts as infringement.