~Where is the best place to buy Chins?

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Orchestrating Chaos
Sep 14, 2010
VA/NC line
The 'Pet store Chins' thread made me wonder,
If you are looking to buy chins, where is the best place?

That thread sounds like if you buy from pet stores you just never know what you might actually be getting, kinda like my pair from craigslist....... :wacko:
I love my pair dearly but I do wish I knew more about their history but considering I have no intention of ever breeding I guess it doesn't really matter.

So I just thought I would ask, where is the best?
My best luck with chins have been adult rescues, next would be petstore and sad to say last was the ones I purchased from breeders, these were not BYB's but "real" breeders.
It depends on what you're looking for specifically and what your feelings are from purchasing from different establishments. There is no right or wrong answer.

Some people do not believe in buying from pet stores because the animals will just be replaced with more and the company is only out to make a profit.
Some don't believe in buying from ranchers who pelt.
Some will only adopt animals through a rescue organization.

Finding the best place to buy is up to each individual person when they evaluate what their priorites are in the animal they're looking for.
I would say if you are looking for a pet - either a rescue place or a small breeder who handles their chin babies from birth. If you get from a rescue place you are 'rescueing' a chin that has to be re-homed because someone didn't want their chin (for whatever reason) If you get from a RESPONSIBLE breeder who handles the chins a lot - they would also know the pedigree backround (genetics) of their chins
I say the best place to get a pet chin is to contact someone, who rescues chins. Adopt a chin that needs a good home and don't go for the prettiest one. Get the one that has been there longest and needs you most, that's usually a 5 to 10 year old standard grey with a big personality. :) Maybe the chin isn't completely hyper and funny and young, but he will be a good pet. Except for one older rescue chin I have here...he's out of his mind and hates everyone but me. Pets don't have to be gorgeous or have pedigrees or be some exotic color or even be very large...they just have to be fuzzy. It's a plus if they are friendly, but sometimes that is something that just takes time.
it depends on what you are looking for. how important is genetics? if you want a chin that you can breed then i would suggest a breeder. if you just want a chin as a pet i suggest a rescue.
Since I have no intention of EVER breeding, I would get my next chin from a rescue. My boy I have now is from a pet store, but I fell in love with him when I saw him. Pet store chins need love, too.
Since I have no intention of EVER breeding, I would get my next chin from a rescue. My boy I have now is from a pet store, but I fell in love with him when I saw him. Pet store chins need love, too.

i agree im never going to breed. oh thanks i forgot about petstores! thanks :thumbsup: petstore chins are okay. you might have to double check the gender because petstores can easily get it wrong and then you should check to make sure it is healthy. (which you should do no matter where you get your chinchilla)
I enjoy "saving" a chin. Be it from someone here who fell on hard times, craigs list rehomes or from a rescue. However, some of the chinnies that I have seen listed here have captured my eye too. Most of the time, the right chin for you will be an easy decision.
I have taken in rescues and kept a few as pets, I bought my very first chinchilla from a pet store ( he lived to be 16 at least) and as a breeder I have bought mostly from breeders obviously for my breeding stock. I personally would not buy from a pet store again as even though my first male was wonderful I wish I would have known where he came from.
out of The rescues that have come in a few have never left and just lived with my weanlings I really have loved and had no complaints other than I had no clue about some of their backgrounds but they lived out a good life here.
When adding though I go through a reputable breeder. even getting a pet I would go the breeder route or a rescue, with a breeder you can get a baby and know the complete history and you have the support of the breeder if they are a good breeder. Same with a rescue other than you don't know the background of the rescue.
For the record no matter how sad the condition of a pet store animal it is not a rescue it is a buisness transaction. You walk out the door with that chinchilla they will just replace it they just made money.
What it comes down to is finding the right chinchilla for you I would go with a breeder or rescue.
I have found that a lot of reputable breeders will take in chins for rescue. I know my breeder does and if we wanted pet only animals that's where I'd go too. You may not know the chins background but at least an expert will have watched them and gotten an idea of what kind of pet they may be. I also agree that the continued support you get by going to a breeder you really like is really nice. Mine helps me every time I need it.
My first chinchillas were rescues and were by far the friendliest! The pet store chin that I have is great also, but only after working with him for about 2 years. Small breeders usually handle their babies daily, also. The chins that I got from bigger breeders were so antisocial, but that's what I expected. As far as my chins go, rescues and babies are both the friendliest, but the rescues need a home more <3
Also remember a responsible breeder and/or rescuer will 'be there for you' for the life of the chin. I tell my 'people' that all the time and I mean it. ANY question or help I can give I go give.
Also remember a responsible breeder and/or rescuer will 'be there for you' for the life of the chin. I tell my 'people' that all the time and I mean it. ANY question or help I can give I go give.

That's a very good point also, all of my customers have my facebook and number and i've told them to call me anytime day or night even for little thongs.
Just because a chin came from a big rancher does not mean they will be antisocial - two of my sweetest females came from Shoots and Ryerson directly from their barn.

I've held chins from day 1 and they've turned out nice and Ive had some terrors. Just depends on their personalities.
Some of my nasiest chins have been for big ranchers with great pedigress. However I have gotten a few from Jags and they are all the absolute sweetest chins.
I just want to point out, you do not have to adopt from a rescue to adopt a rescue chinchilla. Any responsible breeder will take in surrenders/rescues when they have the space and those chins are in just as much need of homes as other chins from rescues.

Also, chinchillas from ranchers being mean and nasty is generally a myth. Most of my sweetest chinchillas have come from a rancher. My nastiest chin by far was born out of two of the sweetest chinchillas I've ever had here. The kit sprayed, bit, screamed and attacked anyone that came near her...she couldn't even have a cagemate. I don't know what her problem was, but she was held daily and when she hit four months a flip switched and she went nasty.