What type of Chinchilla food do you feed?

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Mazuri here. My chins do well on it and it is affordable. I believe it has the mill date on the bag so i know how fresh it is. Of coarse i buy 25 pd bags at a time. Honestly it is only a couple more dollars then the 2 or 3 pd bags commonly found at pet stores.
Currently feeding my girl Oxbow, but I'm thinking about switching her to PANR if I can find a cheap, reliable place to buy it. The Oxbow's good, but expensive. Before my local pet store began carrying Oxbow, I used Mazuri, then Tradition.
I must say, I am doing a fast switch onto tradition, so by the end of the week we'll be done with the penpals. I mixed 25lbs of tradition with 10lbs of penpals. Almost all the feeders are completly empty by the next day, when they started filled to the top.

We'll see if anyone improves... Just in the past week alone while on the PP I had 2 large, single births. Both kits ripped apart because they were too big. Both females were proven, with no history of littering problems.
I feed PANR. I was on APD for almost 5 years, but the last price increase and bag change was just too much for me. I've been happy with the PANR thus far. Im even happier with the price!
*HAPPY!* I have successfully made the change from Fiesta CRAP to Oxbow with Max, Ruby, and their two kits! I am so excited- it was a very easy, smooth fix...thank God! I had tried before with Mazuri, but they snubbed their nose at it. So I am sooo glad they are off Fiesta!
I feed my babies PANR. I used to feed them Mazuri, but I didn't like the really high protein count. Plus, I can get PANR locally and it's more reasonable.
I use Mazuri and just started adding about 1/4 - 1/3 of PANR. Mostly for a little variety and to save a little money too!
:err: Ok, my chins are eating "crap" food. I am not even going to say the name, but lets just say after reading this thread through, I feel like someone needs to call CPS (chinchilla protection services) on me!

So my question is: how to switch over? I believe I will switch to Oxbow because I know that I can get that close by and it seems to have a generally good reputation. Any suggestions would be great!!!!! :wave3:

Thanks all!

LOL Melissa...No to the chinnie CPS. People here are to help. In my view this forum is to improve the life of chinnies not tell you your a bad mommie.

I feed PANR. Am thinking though of trying a little Manna Pro on the side to see what happens. But then why fix what ain't broken. I got a female over a 1000 grams. I don't think PANR is broken.
Tradition served here. Tried to switch to Mazuri because, we have a local distributor but, the chins didn't approve and I rarely get time off when the store is open.
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I feed Mazuri. It's the only pellet they've ever had and they seem fine with it. They're picky about hay though.