What sized shelves are good?

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Active member
May 3, 2010
I plan on adding some shelves to my soon-to-be chinchilla cage.. I need some help on sizes though. [6''x6'' seems a little small to me, but I don't really know.. what do you guys think is a good size?] Also, how thick should they be?
Depending on the size of your cage, you want at least one shelf that runs the full length, and if possible, the full width. It will give your chin a place to stretch out. I used 8" wide wood when I made my shelves, and 1" thick wood. 6"x6" would be fine for resting ledges, and a little smaller (maybe 6"x4" or 3") would be fine for bouncing off ledges. Various lengths in between are OK also.
I have 1 that runs along the top of the cage, 1 that runs the width. I also have 1 that is the length and 2 that are the width, but I slanted them to make a zig-sag like ramp. I also have 4 6x6" ledges, one that is about 6x9 that is next to the one that is the width, so it makes like a corner shelf. on the bottom I have a large, I want to say.....12x12" that is raised about 2-3" from the bottom of the cage. This is BY FAR their favorite place to chill. The will cuddle in the corner together, or hide under it. Oh, and I have 1 leap-n-ledge. A couple of my 6x6" ledges, they don't even touch. I rearrange the cage about once every couple weeks.