What is/are your chin/s favorite treats?

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chin smitten
Mar 2, 2009
I would love to hear what your chin enjoys most. Please be specific so we can try it out too. For example, if it's wood, what type of wood? If its a flower, what type of flower.

I personally keep a huge assortment of organic dried flowers, berries etc. but the hit at my house right now is definitely kiwi wood!

I would list all my others goodies if someone would like it.

Look forward to everyone's responses!
I must say its willow sticks but they have to be the thin kind..she is so cute when she has the stick in both hands and just chomps it to bits.....Im still trying to figure if she is actually "eating " the sticks though.....2nd fav treat oats...I would like to find a safe flower or herb for a treat too though
calendula flowers are safe if they are organic and dried. my boys grab calendula out of my fingers like it's chinnie crack around here, lol.

another safe treat, if giving sparingly, is a small piece of dry 100% durham wheat pasta. that treat gets almost the same 'snatchability' rating as calendula flowers in my house!
calendula flowers are safe if they are organic and dried. my boys grab calendula out of my fingers like it's chinnie crack around here, lol.

another safe treat, if giving sparingly, is a small piece of dry 100% durham wheat pasta. that treat gets almost the same 'snatchability' rating as calendula flowers in my house!

oh yummy I will have to try those out as a special goodie !!! the one good thing about chin treats is they sure do last a while lol I ended up eating all the shredded wheats last week chin-chin didnt seem to like them
Rosehips and oats are the all around favorite treat here. Oh, and homemade chin cookies! These two don't like any kind of dried flower, don't know why. They're favorite woods are pear, apple and mulberry!
My girls love chin cookies, rose hips, cheerios, shredded wheat, all fruit woods (they don't like nut woods and it has to be twigs).
Cheerios, once they hear the bag they run to the front of the cage as if trying to break out for them.
I have enough chinnies that the day to day favorite changes. However here is some of my consistent favorites: rosebuds, hibiscus petals, calendula blossoms, rose hips, hawthorn berries, elder berries, apple wood, wheat squares, kiwi wood, willow, elm and quite a few of mine like pumice stones as well.

They are also pretty excited to have a little variety in hay: like alfalfa in small quantities

I want to try goji berries, but haven't yet...
Definatly any wood stick...if it is a smaller one. She does not seem to like the fat ones. I got her some chin cookies made from timothy and she likes them. She also likes the dried flowers..loves them actually
mine loves pretty much anything lol. especially rose hips, rose buds, and apple wood
My chins always like their oat supplement. Most really enjoy shredded wheat and apple sticks too, but not all of them.

My girls are too young to actually be given treats. However they love the supplement I got from Tanya at Fuzzies Kingdom. They devour it in seconds. I have to offer it in two bowls! They love hay and seem to particularly like the Organic Meadow Hay and the Botanical Hay from Oxbow. These girls go through tons of hay. They also love cholla (one more than the other), wood sticks of all types (yet to see them snub one big, small, thick or thin), willow anything... They got a few toss toys from Twilight Chinchillas and they destroy them, especially the willow ball part very quickly. To my dismay they also love pine... which means they're destroying the beautiful ledges and house I had made for them, as well as the awesome hay box they were made. Silly babies destroy everything in sight. Do sweatshirt draw strings count as a favorite? I have to hide mine from them....
pretty much anything i put in his face.
but he likes cookies on a stick, bombdiggity pops, herbal cookies, rosehips, dried rose petals, and loofah. oh and apple and oat cookies.
My chin goes nuts for her apple wood sticks I make for her. She strips the bark off them right away then munches on the stick itself for a while!
Rosey likes dried rose hips and chamomile flowers the best. Oat supplement as well, plus she goes nuts for apple sticks
Mine like dried papaya the best (before I found out it was bad for them). Now they settle for second best, cherios and apple wood. :)
When I had my 2 chins they would go crazy over

Apple Wood
Unfrosted Shredded Wheats
Whole Rose Hips

It's entertaining to watch them eat the wheats, because they hold them with both hands and go to town!