Marketing tactics would have us believe we “need” soap, bleach, fragrance, for cleaning. Read labels first. Many household cleaners including dish & laundry soaps (detergents) contain petroleum, artificial colors, and other chemicals. Baking soda works as a scrubbing agent and removes tea or coffee stains from pots & cups. It neutralizes orders, softens water (which allows stain release) and can be safely added to laundry. As previously noted, vinegar is naturally antibacterial and neutralizes urine/ammonia.
I have hedgies and reading this forum have come to realize they are not nearly as labor intensive or sensitive as chins. Drinking from bottles is not a natural position for hedgies so I use dishes. I use dish soap on their dishes and wheels daily. My preferred brand is Seventh Generation as ingredients are plant based, non-petroleum, and it rinsed clean. Liners and blankets are washed using Seveth Generation laundry soap with a bit of baking soda added to the washer. White vinegar is used in the bleach dispenser. I’ve learned that vinegar can act as a fabric softener as well in the washer. BTW this is what I use for my own laundry as well.