update of my girls and their cage :) enjoy!

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The pan I made from pine sides and a piece of coroplast with no seams showing, the coroplast is east clean up and have never had any issues with the pine. In the trays tho are fleece linners. I had just switched over to them from shavings in this pic and since using them I find them way better! I take them outside every three days and shake them out then throw in the wash with detergent and a cup of vinegar! Come out just as white as the day I made them! The cage is more sanitary since using them and because they are white they allow me to monitor pee in a way I never could with shavings. :)
thats amazing what did you make you cage out of i wanted to make my own for my chinny but i wasnt sure how to start and what to use
Melbur, I heard Melamine was toxic for chins, did you have to put any metal or anything on all your corners/seams on the inside of the cage so to cover them so the chins wouldnt chew? I am going to try and have someone build a cage for me, and I actually want it to be just like yours! I'm going to need some more pictures so I can show this guy exactly what the cage should look like.
I didnt and didn't need too. for the corners they really cant get at any edges and where the doors are they have never chewed the edges, again they can't really get into the corners or at least my girl couldn't
I have had some requests for mor pics and dimensions ect il be adding more info soon it's just been a crazy last couple weeks for me so I haven't had a chance to post any thing yet...
Awesome. Because, from the looks of it, I want your exact cage! So, more pics from all angles would be awesome, even the inside shelving and stuff is great. My boy would chew pretty much anything he could get his mouth around, so I guess I would have to think about that. And I would for sure want to tile the bottom, what about grout and sealant? Is that all safe?
I ruled out tile due to weight and reduced my pan weight by making the bottoms with coroplast ans sealant.
As far as I know grout is safe enough but I have never tiled a cage so I'm def not the final word on that.
I'm not sure if you mean the grout sealants or if you ment like a calking ? I used some thing non toxic and was careful with the way I applied it so as not to be too thick giving a surface to get teeth around aquarium selant works well as it is non toxic...
My cage is ever changing so i promise il post pics soon been supper stressed I have one chin whose gotten stressed out from an attempt at reintroductions and is now on a hunger strike *sigh*
Quite impressive! Those are some spoiled chins . . . I think my chin may want to run away to Canada. :)
Awesome cage! It makes FN's look like apartments. I couldn't help but notice that you have three chins living together though, and you said two are sisters. How did you go about intro-ing them? Everyone on here told me not to intro my new girl in Annie and Shadow, and to be honest I'm too nervous to try anything but I just keep hoping that someday everybody could be friends. I'm on spring break right now so I'm home a lot and if I was going to try or even think about trying this would be a good time. Oh, and that polka dot fleece on the tube... my backdrop for my FNs and hammock.
To be honest there were 4 girls in the cage my standard chin was removed because she went into stasis and needed to be hand fed medicated and monitored. And im having a heck of a time re-introing her to the three.
Sage was my first chin, got her as a kit and then got whisper 6 months later also as a kit. They bonded instantly with no fuss. About a year later I got the 'twins' as kits and the older girls accepted them instantly as well.
I find it way esier for adults to accept kits.

Now trying to re-intro sage (my oldest) to the girls is quiet stressfull. And I doubt they will accept her again. The twins have become dominant in her 4month absence and sage still 'feels' dominant... Fur pulling chasing and spraying are all im getting... So it certainly be difficult. In addition, reintro's are throwing off the balance between the twins and there has been a bit of fur pulling between them.
so i've got a few photos to put up for y'all but even with measurements in some of them you really need to do your own as you go as obviously things can be a bit 'off' from my measurements. so put those brains to work when you build your cages!



Sorry that your girls arent cooperating with the re-intros. Sounds like it may be best to just have your girl as a single and hope your trio doesnt start arguing! Good luck with whatever you decide.