Two chins that hate each other

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Active member
Jun 17, 2009
Hello, I recently posted this question on another forum that appears to be less active, so I figured I'd try again here where I may be able to get some more answers and advice:

This is going to be long, so thank you to anyone that reads through this and is able to offer your best advice.

I used to have 3 chins: Bella, Chinny, and Bebe. I got Chinny as a birthday present, but she had seemed lonely, so I later found her a companion on Craigslist: Bella. After speaking to Bella's previous owner that had done a lot of research on bonding chinchillas together, I used a very slow process of getting them together, by putting their cages near each other, and eventually letting them play together, and letting them spend time in each other's cages alone. Eventually they became very good friends, and my husband and I ended up getting them a very large cage and thought it would be nice to get them a third companion, who I found at a shelter, named Bebe.

I wasn't a very chin-smart owner, I will say, at the beginning, and still had a lot to learn. Even though I'd heard/read about chins having trouble getting along, I was kind of ignorant since it was so easy to get Chinny and Bella together!

Well, we were very stupid about introducing Bebe to the two of them. We brought them all to play in the bathroom at first, and things were going great! So we naively decided to put Bebe into Bella and Chinny's cage. Well, as you can guess, they were NOT happy about this, and Chinny attacked her. We ended up removing her and putting her into a smaller cage next to their cage where they could see her.

I now realize, after doing a lot of reading on the internet, this was a stupid move. The neighboring cages can actually be stressful to chinchillas that don't get along, and they obviously felt like Bebe had parked her car in their driveway. *Sigh*. Well, we kept the cages near each other, so I'm sure we've done a lot of damage. We even tried separating out Bella and Chinny's cage at one point, and putting Bebe upstairs, which ended badly as they bit her foot. Now I realize how foolish I was and that all this most likely did was cause a lot of resentment.

Anyway, we came to terms that they will probably never get along, and thought about maybe getting Bebe a friend, and this time being a lot better about introducing them to each other. Maybe even going to a shelter and finding her a compatible chin before just forcing one upon her. Of course, we did keep hoping they would get along as we don't live in a very big place, and having one cage is a lot better than two.

Well, fast forward, and Chinny ended up passing away, due to an infection she got, and an unsuccessful recovery after going to the vet several times. So now Bebe and Bella both live in large cages completely alone. Which is fine, but I read that chinchillas can become stressed if they don't have a companion. And I also noticed that Bella seems to not be doing super well. I used to hear her and Chinny running around all night, and now I don't anymore. A few nights ago at 3 am, when I couldn't sleep, I checked in on her, and she was laying down as if it were daytime. Also, Bebe seems to just always be hiding and laying down. She's gotten a bit better around me and my husband, but she's still very timid and seems scared all the time. I think having a companion would be much better for her.

Well, the problem is that I don't know if I have it in me to get 2 more chinchillas. After Chinny passed away, it's been really hard on me, and I don't want to buy a lot more chinchillas so that I have to go through that so many more times!

The ideal situation would be if Bella and Bebe would finally get along. So I've thought of a few options, and I want to know what some of you more experienced owners think:

A. I just go ahead and acquire 2 more chinchillas from a shelter, making sure they are compatible with the chins I have now. That way I'm also doing a good deed, because I'm giving some abandoned chins a forever home.

B. I separate Bebe and Bella to two separate rooms for an entire year so they don't see or smell each other at all. Do chinchillas have good memories? Do you think if I did that they would forget the grudges they have against each other and get along? I do think they are compatible, based on the fact that they did get along for a period of time before Bebe invaded the other two's house. And Bella always seemed a little more open to Bebe than Chinny did even though they both clearly hated her.

C. I give Bebe away to a chin smart home where there is someone that has another chinchilla for her to live with. This would be the hardest option for me as I love Bebe so much, but I sometimes wonder if this would be the best for Bebe, as much as it breaks my heart. And then I would acquire a new chin for Bella using the same method as option A.

Are there any other options that anyone can think of? I'm all ears and open to all ideas. I realize C is probably the most heartless option, but I figured I'd list all of my ideas I've had anyway.
I know it's often said chins don't handle losing a cagemate well, however I have yet to see this happen with some of my chins. I had two boys who were fighting and they had to be separated recently and both are doing fine apart and alone. I also got a chin 3 years ago who had a cagemate and he's very nice to humans but hates all other chins, so he, too, lives alone and quite happily.

I don't see that you have to get cagemates for either of these chins. If you love both of them and can spend time with both of them then there's no need to get them each a cagemate.

I'm not sure what to tell you about the lessened activity at night, some of my chins are active at night, yet others sleep and aren't active at all. Perhaps she is just starting to not be as active at night.

I can tell you think they should each have a cagemate or be cagemates to each other, but many owners have single chins and they thrive quite nicely.
I have 8 single chins, with plenty of attention from the furless parents they do very well. They actually bond better with you as singles.