Treats for Chinchilla's

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Sep 18, 2013
Hello i was wondering what were some treats chinchillas can eat. We have been giving Charlie about 2 raisins a week
Raisins are really not good for chins. They actually don't need any treats, but I do like to give Idgie some. She likes old fashioned rolled oats, oat groats (oats before they are rolled) and rose hips. She even finds apple sticks to be a treat in a way.
My chin goes nuts for rose hips. There are also these horse cookies from that he loves! I just ordered more of those today. That's all he gets as far as treats. I hand him a stick sometimes or a toy (little vine ball or something like that). He thinks of that as a treat.
My chins think hay at night is a great treat. Treats are more for the owner than the chin. They are happy with a simple diet. If you have to give extras hay, hay cubes, rose hips, and oats are great choices.
I don't give any dried fruit at all. I just use rose hips, dried herbs, twigs/sticks, and plain shredded wheat as treats. Its a lot safer than going the sugary route.
Just to add this, Old fashion oats means non instant. I believe the instant adsorbs too much water and will make the chin bloated?