The Hunger Games anyone?!

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2011
Federal Way, WA
I didn't know which thread to post this in, but I read the Hunger Games series and I'm so excited for the movie to come out in March! Have you guys seen the new trailer for this?! Oh man I can't wait!!
I'm SOOOOO looking forward to this. I'm re-reading the books. I've got plans to go see the movie with a big group of us. Everyone that I've told to read the book has loved it and is just as excited as I am for the movie.

I was a bit worried when I saw that this was going to be a Lionsgate movie (not a fan of many of their movies) but the trailer looks awesome and I love the casting. Jennifer Lawrence was great as Raven in X-Men: First Class and I think she's perfect for Katniss. I can totally picture Woody Harrelson as Haymitch and I was thrilled to see Donald Sutherland as Pres. Snow and Stanley Tucci as the TV host.(I'm a big fan of Stanley Tucci!)

I like that they are not trying to cram all three books into one movie. The movie for Catching Fire is set to release in November 2013.
I thought Woody Harrelson was the most awesome person for Haymitch!! :D We really have to wait 1 1/2 years for the second one :( I think I will read the books (at least the 1st one) before the movie, sounds like a good idea! I've heard the rumors about the movie for a long time and the trailer was so exciting! I actually saw it in the movie theaters and I wanted to clap my hands and scream OMG OMG lol, but I didn't! Haha.
My daughter wants to go opening night at midnight. She says the book is great and she is reading Catching Fire as we speak.
A group of us are going to the see it at the Imax on opening day (not midnight...can't stay awake that long). I can't wait!
Saw it on opening was great! I want to go see it again.

I thought they did a great job at sticking to the story. There is way more in the book, but since that would be one super long movie, I think they did a good job at choosing which scenes to put in the script. I think there may be a couple scenes that needed a bit more explaining for those who haven't read the book, but overall the writers did a good job. The casting was awesome...I loved seeing Stanley Tucci with blue hair. The cannons were chilling (especially at the could feel them). I'm looking forward to the next movie!
I just saw it tonight! Oh my gosh...I really want to read the books now and Im so curious as to what the next movie could be about! I definitely have to go read them all because there is so much more to this story then meets the eye.

The only scene I really had a problem with was the food and mine The explosion made no sense especially because they were mines...and the explosion came from under the food...It would have made more sense if it caught fire from the resulting explosion but even as close as they got the mines to the storage for it to blow up like that was..impropable...

Other then that wonderful movie! I cried when a certain someone died!
If you cried when Rue died in the movie you will BALL when you read the book. The movie was decent but not half as good as the book.