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Nov 8, 2011
New owner--got my chinchillas on Sunday.

I can't control the heat in my apartment, and it's set betwen 70 and 75. I have windows open in the other rooms... and since it's 30 degrees out, it's keeping those rooms cool, but the chinchilla room is still quite warm. At least for them.

I was reading that drafts should be avoided. So should I not have the window open in the chinchilla room, or is it OK?

thank you!
70 to 75 should be alright depending on what temperature the chinchillas are acclimated to from the previous home. Does it feel really warm around the chins?

Around here I usually have the chins at about 74 or 75 in the Summer, this time of years it's about 67 or 68 and in the winter it will be 62 to about 65. They slowly get used to these temperatures as the weather gets warmer or cooler...they're in the house so we want to be comfortable and the changes are very gradual.

It feels warm in here. But then again, I love the cold. Is the window open a no-no?
I'm in the same situation as far as controlling my heat, my windows are my thermostat. What I've done is I put the chin's cage away from the heaters and when I hear the heaters go on I usually open the window a bit just to make sure it never gets to warm. I don't really have a problem with drafts because there is a small wall section that sticks out into the room and it is between the window and the cage. Overall, if possible you want to try to keep the temperature as consistent as possible (75 or below). It may help to get a small thermometer to keep by the cage just so you can make sure it doesn't get too hot or too cold. Hope it works out!
i crack the window in my chin room when the weather is cool. the cages are across the room from the window, and against the wall farthest from the side of the window that opens (horizontal slider window). my boys fare just fine with this method. i don't open the window when the wind outside is really strong though, and run the air conditioner instead on those sorts of days.
Whenever the weather becomes more mild (under 70 degrees, but above 55) I always have a window open in the chin room. The draft rule is more so people don't put their chins under an AC vent. I have never had a problem here with a window open. If anything they seem to enjoy it more and are always more active when the window is open.
I freeze myself out during the winter time by sleeping with my window open to let them enjoy the lovely COLD weather lol.... It's fun when I have to get out of my warm bed at 7 am in a freezing room. I try to remember how much I love my babies :)
I freeze myself out during the winter time by sleeping with my window open to let them enjoy the lovely COLD weather lol.... It's fun when I have to get out of my warm bed at 7 am in a freezing room. I try to remember how much I love my babies :)

Hah indeed. Superrrr fun :p ......My old apartment had heat I couldn't control, and apart from always freezing, I think the biggest difference was that I probably drove my roommates crazy asking them to check on the temp in my bedroom if I was going to be gone for several hours.

Even now that I can control the heat, my chin room shares a wall with the wash/dryer room that the whole building uses, so I end up leaving the window open a crack on days that it's between 50 and 65. If it's lower I can count on my apartment heat not be able to heat up past 70 anyway, and if it's higher I just use the AC.